Das Wort Bin Ich

The Wisdom of Solomon

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 13 -

Idolaters are inexcusable: and those most of all that worship for gods the works of the hands of men.

But all men are vain, who are not under the knowledge of God, and who, from these good things that are seen, were not able to understand he who is, nor, by paying attention to the works, did they acknowledge he who was the artisan.(a)
Instead, they had considered either the fire, or the air, or the atmosphere, or the circle of stars, or the great sea, or the sun and moon, to be the gods that rule the world.
If they, being delighted by such sights, supposed them to be gods, let them know how great the Lord of them is in splendor. For he who created all things is the author of beauty.
Or, if they wondered at their power and their effects, let them understand by these things, that he who created them is mightier than they are.
For, by the greatness of the creation and its beauty, the creator of these will be able to be seen discernibly.
Yet, up to this point, the complaint about this is lesser. For perhaps they made a mistake in this, while desiring and seeking to find God.
And, indeed, having some familiarity with him through his works, they search, and they are persuaded, because the things that they are seeing are good.
But, then again, neither can their debt be ignored.
For, if they were able to know enough so that they could value the universe, how is it they did not easily discover the Lord of it?(b)
Yet they are unhappy, and their hope is among the dead, for they have called ‘gods’ the works of the hands of men, gold and silver, the inventions of skill, and the likeness of animals, or a useless stone, the work of an ancient hand.
Or, it is as if a craftsman, a workman of the forest, had cut straight wood, and, with his expertise, shaved off all of its bark, and, with his skill, diligently fashioned a vessel, practical for use in life,
and even the remains of his work were exhausted in the preparation of food;(c)
and, from the remainder of this, which has become useful for nothing, a curved piece of wood and full of knots, he diligently carves it in his spare time, and, through the knowledge of his art, forms it and makes it in the image of a man,(d)
or something comparable to an animal, thoroughly rubbing it with red ochre, to make it red with the color of the pigment, and to cover every imperfection which is in it;(e)
and it is as if he made a fitting resting place for it, even setting it in a wall and fastening it with iron,
providing for it, lest it should fall, knowing that it is unable to help itself, for it is an image and it is in need of help.
And then, making an offering, he inquires about his wealth, and about his sons, and about marriage. And he is not ashamed to talk to that which has no soul.(f)
And for health, indeed, something unhealthy is being prayed to, and for life, he petitions what is dead, and for help, he calls upon something helpless,
and for a good journey, he entreats that which is unable to walk, and for acquiring, and for working, and for success in all things, he entreats that which is useless in all things.


(a)13:1 God, in making the universe, is more of an artisan than a mere worker or craftsman.(Conte)
(b)13:9 Saeculum is one of those Latin words that translates differently, sometimes very differently, depending on context. What are the three most important things to remember when translating? Context, context, context.(Conte)
(c)13:12 Apparently, the wood chips and sawdust are used to make a fire to cook the food.(Conte)
(d)13:13 The remainder of the wood is full of flaws.(Conte)
(e)13:14 Notice the dual explanation given for rubbing the wood with red ochre (a mineral used to impart a reddish color). One reason is to make it red, but the other reason is to cover omnem maculam, every flaw. Maculam would generally be translated as spot, but in this context, it refers to the spots of imperfection previously mentioned.(Conte)
(f)13:17 Notice that he does inquire about “his” marriage, but about marriage. He is already married, so he is inquiring about marriage for his sons, not about his marriage.(Conte)

Idolaters are inexcusable: and those most of all that worship for gods the works of the hands of men.

For truly all men who had no perception of God were foolish by nature, and didn’t gain power to know him who exists from the good things that are seen. They didn’t recognize the architect from his works.
But they thought that either fire, or wind, or swift air, or circling stars, or raging water, or luminaries of heaven were gods that rule the world.
If it was through delight in their beauty that they took them to be gods, let them know how much better their Sovereign Lord is than these, for the first author of beauty created them.
But if it was through astonishment at their power and influence, then let them understand from them how much more powerful he who formed them is.
For from the greatness of the beauty of created things, mankind forms the corresponding perception of their Maker.(a)
But yet for these men there is but small blame, for they too perhaps go astray while they are seeking God and desiring to find him.
For they diligently search while living among his works, and they trust their sight that the things that they look at are beautiful.
But again even they are not to be excused.
For if they had power to know so much, that they should be able to explore the world, how is it that they didn’t find the Sovereign Lord sooner?
But they were miserable, and their hopes were in dead things, who called them gods which are works of men’s hands, gold and silver, skillfully made, and likenesses of animals, or a useless stone, the work of an ancient hand.
Yes and some(b) woodcutter might saw down a tree that is easily moved, skillfully strip away all its bark, and fashion it in attractive form, make a useful vessel to serve his life’s needs.
Burning the scraps from his handiwork to cook his food, he eats his fill.
Taking a discarded scrap which served no purpose, a crooked piece of wood and full of knots, he carves it with the diligence of his idleness, and shapes it by the skill of his idleness. He shapes it in the image of a man,
or makes it like some worthless animal, smearing it with something red, painting it red, and smearing over every stain in it.
Having made a worthy chamber for it, he sets it in a wall, securing it with iron.
He plans for it that it may not fall down, knowing that it is unable to help itself (for truly it is an image, and needs help).
When he makes his prayer concerning goods and his marriage and children, he is not ashamed to speak to that which has no life.
Yes, for health, he calls upon that which is weak. For life, he implores that which is dead. For aid, he supplicates that which has no experience. For a good journey, he asks that which can’t so much as move a step.
And for profit in business and good success of his hands, he asks ability from that which has hands with no ability.


(a)13:5 Gr. is the first maker of them seen.
(b)13:11 Gr. carpenter who is a woodcutter.