Das Wort Bin Ich

The Book of Psalms

Geneva Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 8 -

How majestic is your name!

To him that excelleth on Gittith. A Psalme of Dauid. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the worlde! which hast set thy glory aboue the heauens.
Out of the mouth of babes and suckelings hast thou ordeined strength, because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemie and the auenger.
When I beholde thine heauens, euen the workes of thy fingers, the moone and the starres which thou hast ordeined,
What is man, say I, that thou art mindefull of him? and the sonne of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower then God, and crowned him with glory and worship.
Thou hast made him to haue dominion in the workes of thine hands: thou hast put all things vnder his feete:
All sheepe and oxen: yea, and the beastes of the fielde:
The foules of the ayre, and the fish of the sea, and that which passeth through the paths of the seas.
O Lord our Lord, howe excellent is thy Name in all the world!

How majestic is your name!

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens!
From the lips of babes and infants you have established strength, because of your adversaries, that you might silence the enemy and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained,
what is man, that you think of him? What is the son of man, that you care for him?
For you have made him a little lower than the angels,(a) and crowned him with glory and honor.
You make him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet:
All sheep and cattle, yes, and the animals of the field,
the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!


(a)8:5 Hebrew: Elohim. The word Elohim, used here, usually means “God”, but can also mean “gods”, “princes”, or “angels”. The Septuagint reads “angels” here. See also the quote from the Septuagint in Hebrews 2:7 .