Das Wort Bin Ich

The Wisdom of Solomon

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 16 -

God’s different dealings with the Egyptians and with his own people.

Because of this, and by means of things similar to these, they were allowed to endure fitting torments, and they were exterminated by a multitude of beasts.
Instead of these torments, you administered your people kindly, giving them a desire for a new taste from your delights, and preparing quails for their food,
so that, even those desiring food, because of those things which were sent and revealed to them, were now turned away from a necessary desire. Yet these, after a brief time, having become weak, tasted a new food.(a) (b)
For it was necessary, though they are without excuse, for them to unexpectedly come upon the ruin of exercising tyranny, yet this was as if to show them how their enemies were being exterminated.
And so, when fierce beasts overcame them in anger, they were exterminated by the bites of perverse snakes.
But your anger did not continue forever, though they were troubled for a short time for their correction, they have a sign of salvation as a remembrance of the commandment of your law.(c)
For he who turned to it was not healed by what he saw, but by you, the Savior of all.
Yet in this you revealed to our enemies that you are he who delivers from all evil.
For they were killed by the biting of locusts and flies, and there was found no remedy for their life, because they deserved to be destroyed by such things.
But not even the teeth of venomous serpents conquered your sons, for your mercy came to them and healed them.
For, in remembrance of your words, they were examined and were quickly saved, for forgetfulness is not engraved into your altar so that they would be unable to obtain your help.
And, indeed, neither an herb, nor a poultice, healed them, but your word, O Lord, which heals all.
For it is you, O Lord, who holds the power of life and death; you both lead to the threshold of death and you restore.
Yet man, indeed, kills his own soul through malice, and when his spirit goes forth, it will not be returned, nor will he call back his soul when it has been received.
But it is impossible to escape your hand.
For the impious, having refused to know you, have been scourged by the strength of your arm, enduring persecution by unusual waters, and by hailstorms, and by rain storms, and being consumed by fire.
For there was something extraordinary in water, which extinguishes all things; it has prevailed more than fire; for the world is the defender of the just.(d)
Indeed, at a certain time, the fire was subdued, so as not to burn away the animals, which were sent against the impious; and so that, in seeing this, they might know that they are suffering persecution by the judgment of God.
And, at another time, fire burned, beyond its own power, in the midst of water, and it flared up from all around, so as to destroy the nations of an unjust land.
Instead of these things, you nourished your people with the food of angels, and, having prepared bread from heaven, you served them without labor that which holds within itself every delight and the sweetness of every flavor.(e)
For your nature showed your sweetness, which you hold within your sons, and serving the will of each one, it was converted to what each one preferred.
But snow and ice held back the strength of fire, and did not melt, so that they might know that fire, burning in the hail and flashing in the rain, destroyed the fruits of the enemies.
Yet it was also the case, so that the just might be nourished, that fire had even been deprived of its own power.
For the creature serving you, the Creator, grows red hot in the midst of the conflict against the unjust, and yet it subsides for the benefit of those who trust in you.(f)
Because of this, and at that time, having been transfigured in all things, your grace was diligently serving as the nursemaid of all things, according to the will of those who long for you,(g)
so that your sons, whom you loved, O Lord, might know that it is not the fruits of nature which feed men, but your word, which preserves those who believe in you.
For that which could not be destroyed by fire, was immediately melted when warmed by a few rays of the sun,
so that it might be clear to all that it is right to come before the sun to bless you, and to adore you at the dawning of the light.
For the hope of the ungrateful will melt away like the winter’s ice and will disperse like overflowing water.(h)


(a)16:3 They indeed desiring food, etc:He means the Egyptians; who were restrained even from that food which was necessary, by the frogs and the flies that were sent amongst them, and spoiled all their meats.(Challoner)
(b)16:3 But these:Viz., the Israelites.(Challoner)
(c)16:6 Sign of salvation:The brazen serpent, an emblem of Christ our Saviour.(Challoner)
(d)16:17 The fire had more force:Viz., when the fire and hail mingled together laid waste the land of Egypt. Ex. 9.(Challoner)
(e)16:20 The text does not say that the bread was prepared without labor, but rather that it is served without labor. These superlative descriptions of the bread from heaven refer to the Eucharist, even more so than to the manna in the desert.(Conte)
(f)16:24 The word tormenta can refer to torments, but it can also refer to the machines of war used to hurl stones and darts at the enemy. The word itself literally refers to the conflict of ancient warfare. In modern terms, we would similarly use the expression “to give someone flack,” using a term from warfare to describe a more abstract conflict.(Conte)
(g)16:25 The word nurse in this context means more caring for young children, rather than nursing someone back to health.(Conte)
(h)16:29 Or, unnecessary water, as in spilled water or as in runoff from the overflow of a stream.(Conte)

God’s different dealings with the Egyptians and with his own people.

For this cause, they were deservedly punished through creatures like those which they worship, and tormented through a multitude of vermin.
Instead of this punishment, you, giving benefits to your people, prepared quails for food, a delicacy to satisfy the desire of their appetite,
to the end that your enemies, desiring food, might for the hideousness of the creatures sent among them, loathe even the necessary appetite; but these, your people, having for a short time suffered lack, might even partake of delicacies.
For it was necessary that inescapable lack should come upon those oppressors, but that to these it should only be showed how their enemies were tormented.
For even when terrible raging of wild beasts came upon your people, and they were perishing by the bites of crooked serpents, your wrath didn’t continue to the uttermost;
but for admonition were they troubled for a short time, having a token of salvation to put them in remembrance of the commandment of your law;
for he who turned toward it was not saved because of that which was seen, but because of you, the Savior of all.
Yes, and in this you persuaded our enemies that you are he who delivers out of every evil.
For the bites of locusts and flies truly killed them. No healing for their life was found, because they were worthy to be punished by such things.
But your children weren’t overcome by the very fangs of venomous dragons, for your mercy passed by where they were and healed them.
For they were bitten to put them in remembrance of your oracles, and were quickly saved, lest, falling into deep forgetfulness, they should become unable to respond to your kindness.
For truly it was neither herb nor poultice that cured them, but your word, O Lord, which heals all people.
For you have authority over life and death, and you lead down to the gates of Hades, and lead up again.
But though a man kills by his wickedness, he can’t retrieve the spirit that has departed or release the imprisoned soul.
But it is not possible to escape your hand;
for ungodly men, refusing to know you, were scourged in the strength of your arm, pursued with strange rains and hails and relentless storms, and utterly consumed with fire.
For, what was most marvelous, in the water which quenches all things, the fire burned hotter; for the world fights for the righteous.
For at one time the flame was restrained, that it might not burn up the creatures sent against the ungodly, but that these themselves as they looked might see that they were chased by the judgment of God.
At another time even in the midst of water it burns more intensely than fire, that it may destroy the produce of an unrighteous land.
Instead of these things, you gave your people angels’ food to eat, and you provided ready-to-eat bread for them from heaven without toil, having the virtue of every pleasant flavor, and agreeable to every taste.
For your nature showed your sweetness toward your children, while that bread, serving the desire of the eater, changed itself according to every man’s choice.
But snow and ice endured fire, and didn’t melt, that people might know that fire was destroying the fruits of the enemies, burning in the hail and flashing in the rains;
and that this fire, again, in order that righteous people may be nourished, has even forgotten its own power.
For the creation, ministering to you, its maker, strains its force against the unrighteous for punishment and in kindness, slackens it on behalf of those who trust in you.
Therefore at that time also, converting itself into all forms, it ministered to your all-nourishing bounty, according to the desire of those who had need,
that your children, whom you loved, O Lord, might learn that it is not the growth of crops that nourishes a man, but that your word preserves those who trust you.
For that which was not destroyed by fire, melted away when it was simply warmed by a faint sunbeam,
that it might be known that we must rise before the sun to give you thanks, and must pray to you at the dawning of the light;
for the hope of the unthankful will melt as the winter’s hoar frost, and will flow away as water that has no use.