The Word Am I

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 41 -

Of the remembrance of death: of an evil and of a good name: of what things we ought to be ashamed.

O death, how bitter is the memory of you: to a man who has peace in his substance,
to a quiet man, and to him whose ways are directed properly in all things, and who still has the strength to take nourishment.
O death, your judgment is good to the indigent man, and to him whose strength has diminished,
who is failing due to old age, and who is anxious about all things, and to the unbelieving man who has lost patience.
Do not choose to dread the judgment of death. Remember the things that occurred before you, and the things that will occur after you. This judgment is from the Lord upon all flesh.
And what will happen to you is well-pleasing to the Most High, whether in ten, or one hundred, or one thousand years.
For death is no indictment of life.(a)
The sons of sinners, and those who pass their time in the manner of the houses of the impious, become sons of abominations.
The inheritance of the sons of sinners will perish, and continual disgrace will be with their offspring.
The sons of an impious father will complain, for they are in disgrace because of him.
Woe to you, impious men, who have abandoned the law of the Most High Lord!
And when you are born, you will be born into a curse; and when you die, your portion will be in a curse.
All things that are from the earth shall return to the earth. Similarly, the impious will proceed from a curse unto perdition.
The grieving of men is in their body, but the name of the impious will be wiped away.
Have concern for your good name. For this will continue with you, more so than a thousand precious and great treasures.
A good life has its number of days, but a good name will continue forever.
Sons, practice discipline peacefully. For what use is there in either concealed wisdom, or undiscovered treasure?
Better is the man who hides his foolishness than the man who hides his wisdom.
Yet truly, have respect for these things which proceed from my mouth.(b)
For it is not good to observe every reverence. And all things do not please all persons in their beliefs.(c)
Have shame of these things: of fornication before father and mother, and of a lie before the first leader and the powerful,(d)
of a crime before a ruler or a judge, of iniquity before a congregation or a people,
of injustice before a companion or a friend, and of the place in which you live,
of theft, and of the truth before God, and of the covenant, of reclining to eat bread, and of deceitfulness in giving or receiving,
of silence before those who greet you, of looking upon a woman of fornication, and of averting your face from a relative.
You should not avert your face from your neighbor, nor should you take away a portion and not restore it.
You should not stare at another man’s wife, nor pursue his handmaid, nor approach her bed.
Avoid reproachful speeches before friends, and when you give, you should not place blame.


(a)41:7 The word ‘inferno’ can refer to Hell, but it can also refer to death in general, even for the good.(Conte)
(b)41:19 Have a shame, etc:That is to say, be ashamed of doing any of these things, which I am now going to mention; for though sometimes shamefacedness is not to be indulged: yet it is often good and necessary: as in the following cases.(Challoner)
(c)41:20 You cannot please everyone, nor can you always avoid offending everyone. So respect for the opinions of others has its limits.(Conte)
(d)41:21 Shame, in the Biblical context, does not merely mean to be ashamed of something sinful or wrong. It also refers to modesty, to a feeling of unworthiness before God, to a reverence of others and a humbling of one’s self. Thus, we should have shame before the truth of God, and the covenant, and the bread that we eat (especially the consecrated bread of the Eucharist), and the humble place where you live.(Conte)

Of the remembrance of death: of an evil and of a good name: of what things we ought to be ashamed.

O death, how bitter is the memory of you to a man who is at peace in his possessions, to the man who has nothing to distract him and has prosperity in all things, and who still has strength to enjoy food!
O death, your sentence is acceptable to a man who is needy and who fails in strength, who is in extreme old age, is distracted about all things, is perverse, and has lost patience!
Don’t be afraid of the sentence of death. Remember those who have been before you and who come after. This is the sentence from the Lord over all flesh.
And why do you refuse when it is the good pleasure of the Most High? Whether life lasts ten, or a hundred, or a thousand years, there is no inquiry about life in Hades.(a)
The children of sinners are abominable children and they frequent the dwellings of the ungodly.
The inheritance of sinners’ children will perish and with their posterity will be a perpetual disgrace.
Children will complain of an ungodly father, because they suffer disgrace because of him.
Woe to you, ungodly men, who have forsaken the law of the Most High God!(b)
If you are born, you will be born to a curse. If you die, a curse will be your portion.
All things that are of the earth will go back to the earth; so the ungodly will go from a curse to perdition.
The mourning of men is about their bodies; but the evil name of sinners will be blotted out.
Have regard for your name, for it continues with you longer than a thousand great treasures of gold.
A good life has its number of days, but a good name continues forever.
My children, follow instruction in peace. But wisdom that is hidden and a treasure that is not seen, what benefit is in them both?
Better is a man who hides his foolishness than a man who hides his wisdom.
Therefore show respect for my words; for it is not good to retain every kind of shame. Not everything is approved by all in good faith.
Be ashamed of sexual immorality before father and mother, of a lie before a prince and a mighty man,
of an offense before a judge and ruler, of iniquity before the congregation and the people, of unjust dealing before a partner and friend,
and of theft in the place where you sojourn. Be ashamed in regard of the truth of God and his covenant, of leaning on your elbow at dinner, of contemptuous behavior in the matter of giving and taking,
of silence before those who greet you, of looking at a woman who is a prostitute,
of turning away your face from a kinsman, of taking away a portion or a gift, of gazing at a woman who has a husband,
of meddling with his maid—and don’t come near her bed, of abusive speech to friends—and after you have given, don’t insult, of repeating and speaking what you have heard, and of revealing of secrets. So you will be ashamed of the right things and find favor in the sight of every man.


(a)41:4 or, the place of the deador, Sheol
(b)41:8 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.