The Word Am I

The Book of Baruch

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- Chapter 6 -

The epistle of Jeremias to the captives, as a preservative against idolatry.

This is a copy of the letter that Jeremiah sent to those who would be taken captive into Babylon by the king of Babylon, so as to prophesy to them according to the warning he had received about them from God.

“Because of the sins which you have sinned before God, you will be carried away into the captivity of Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.(a)
And so, having been taken into Babylon, you will be there many years and for a long time, even to seven generations, yet after this, I will lead you away from there with peace.(b)
But now, you will see in Babylon gods of gold and of silver, and of stone and of wood, carried upon shoulders, an awful display for the peoples.
See to it, then, that you do not in effect become like these strangers and become afraid, so that in awe you would be carried away into their midst.
And so, seeing the turmoil, behind you and in front of you, as they are worshiping, say in your hearts, ‘You ought to be adored, O Lord.’
For my angel is with you. And I myself will examine your souls.
For their tongue is polished by the craftsman, and they themselves are even inlaid with gold and silver, yet they are false and unable to speak.
And, just like a virgin who loves to decorate herself, so do they take up gold and make designs with it.(c)
Their gods have crowns of certified gold upon their heads, from which the priests subtract gold and silver, and spend it on themselves.(d)
Moreover, they even give from it to prostitutes, and use it to adorn kept women, and when they receive it back from the kept women, they use it to adorn their gods.(e)
But these cannot be freed from rust and moths.
Although they are covered with a purple garment, they must wipe off their face, because of the dust of the house, which is very great around them.
Yet he who holds a scepter like a man, like the judge of the region, cannot put to death one who sins against him.
And though he holds in his hand a sword and an axe, yet he cannot free himself from war and robbers. From this let it be known to you that they are not gods.
Therefore, do not fear them. For just as the vessel a man uses becomes useless when broken, so also are their gods.
When they are set up in a house, their eyes are full of dust from the feet of those who enter.
And like one who has offended the king and is surrounded at every door, or like a corpse about to be carried to the grave, so do the priests secure the doors with bars and locks, lest they be plundered by robbers.(f)
They light candles to them, and in great number, and still they are unable to see, for they are like logs in the house.
It is truly said that the creeping things, which are of the earth, gnaw their hearts, and yet when these devour them and their garments, they do not feel it.
Their faces are made black by the smoke that is made in the house.
Over their bodies and over their heads fly owls and swallows and birds, and similarly, even cats.(g)
From this you should understand that they are not gods. Therefore, neither should you fear them.
Furthermore, the gold which they have is shiny, but unless someone wipes off the rust, they will not shine. And even when they were molten, they did not feel it.
They acquire all kinds of costly things, yet there is no breath in them.
Without feet, they are carried upon shoulders, showing their unworthiness to all men. And so, may those who worship them be confounded.
Because of this, if they fall to the ground, they do not get up by themselves; and if someone sets it upright, they will not stand firm on their own; yet, just like the dead, offerings are placed next to them.
The priests themselves sell their sacrifices, and they spend it wastefully; and, in like manner, their wives take part of it, never sharing anything with the sick or the beggars.
Fertile and menstruous women contaminate their sacrifices. And so, knowing from this that they are not gods, you should not fear them.(h)
For what reason are they called gods? It is because the women serve before the gods of silver and gold and wood,
and the priests sit in their houses, with torn garments, and their heads and beards shaven, and nothing on their heads.(i)
But they roar, shouting out to their gods, just as at a feast for the dead.
The priests take away the garments of their gods, and clothe their wives and their sons.
And whether they endure evil from someone, or good, they are not able to repay it. They can neither establish a king, nor remove him.
Similarly, they can neither give riches, nor avenge evil. If anyone makes a vow to them, and does not keep it, they cannot require it.
They cannot free a man from death, nor rescue the weak from the strong.
They cannot restore sight to the blind, nor free a man from need.
They will not have mercy on the widow, nor do good to orphans.
Their gods of wood, and of stone, and of gold, and of silver, are like stones from the mountain; and those who worship them will be confounded.
In what way, then, is it to be supposed or said that they are gods?
For even the Chaldeans themselves do not honor these, who, when they hear about a mute, unable to speak, they offer him to Bel, asking from him that he may speak,
as if these, who are unable to move, would be able to perceive. And even they themselves, when they shall understand this, will abandon them, for, having come to their senses, they do not consider them to be gods.
Yet the women, wrapped in cords, sit by the roads, burning olive-stones.(j)
And when any one of them, having been attracted by someone passing by, would sleep with him, she reproaches her neighbor because she was not found worthy, as she was, nor was her cord broken.
But all things that occur with them are false; in what way, then, is it to be considered or said that they are gods?
Yet they have been made by the workmen and the goldsmiths. They will be nothing else but what the priests want them to be.
For the artisans themselves, who make them, do not exist for a long time. So then, can these things, which have been made by them, be gods?
Yet they have bequeathed falsehoods and disgrace after this to the future.
For when they are overcome by battle or evil, the priests consider among themselves where they may hide themselves with them.
Therefore, why would they be perceived to be gods, who can neither free themselves from war, nor rescue themselves from evils?
For, in as much as they are only wood, inlaid with gold and silver, so let it be known henceforth, by all nations and kings, that they are false; because it has been revealed that they are not gods, but the work of men’s hands, and there is no work of God in them.
For this reason, then, it has been accepted that they are not gods, but are works of the hands of men, and no work of God is in them.
They have not raised up a king in the region, nor will they give rain to men.
They will not discern a judgment for anyone, nor will they free a region from injury, because they can do nothing, like crows in the middle of heaven and earth.
And, indeed, when there happens to be a fire in the house of these gods of wood, silver, and gold, the priests will certainly run away and save themselves, but these will truly be burned up like logs in the midst of it.
Yet they cannot withstand a king and war. In what way, then, is it to be considered or accepted that they are gods?
These gods of wood and stone, inlaid with gold and silver, can free themselves neither from thieves nor from robbers; whoever is stronger than they are,(k)
will take up these things, the gold and the silver, and the garments which cover them, and will get away; neither will they be able to help themselves.
Therefore, it is better to be a king displaying his power, or a useful vessel in a house, about which he who owns it will boast, or a door in the house, which keeps safe what is inside, than to be these gods of falsehood.(l)
For the sun, and the moon, and the constellations, though they are brilliant and have been sent forth to be useful, are obedient.
Similarly, the lightning, when it appears and is evident, and, in like manner, the wind blowing in every region,
and the clouds, when God orders them to make their rounds over the whole world, each carries out what was commanded.
Furthermore, the fire, having been sent from above so that it may consume mountains and woods, does what it has been instructed to do. Yet these are not similar, neither in splendor, nor in power, to any one of them.
From this, it should neither be supposed, nor said, that they are gods; since they are neither able to give judgment, nor to accomplish anything for men.
And so, knowing that they are not gods, therefore, have no fear of them.
For they can neither curse kings, nor bless them.
Besides, they show no signs in heaven to the nations; they neither shine like the sun, nor give light like the moon.(m)
Beasts are better than they are, for they can flee under a covering, and so protect themselves.
Therefore, in no way is it clear to us that they are gods; because of this, you should not fear them.
For just as a scarecrow in a cucumber field protects nothing, so are their gods of wood, and silver, and inlaid gold.(n)
They are just the same as a white thorn in a garden, on which all the birds sit; they are even like a corpse thrown out into the darkness, just so are these gods of wood, and inlaid gold, and inlaid silver.(o)
By the purple, and likewise the Royal purple, moth-eaten garments upon them, you will then know that they are not gods. And finally, they themselves are consumed and will be a disgrace in the region.(p)
Better is the just man who has no such images, for he will be far from disgrace.”


(a)6:1 Some versions of Scripture omit the explanatory sentence stating that this last chapter is a copy of the letter of the prophet Jeremiah. Thus, the verse is awkwardly long. But renumbering the verses of this chapter to 73 would be more awkward.(Conte)
(b)6:2 Seven generations:That is, seventy years.(Challoner)
(c)6:8 A virgin who loves to decorate herself and put herself on display will not remain a virgin for long. Likewise, those who decorate and put idols on display will not remain pure of heart.(Conte)
(d)6:9 The priests certify the amount and purity of the gold, but they certify falsely, taking some of the precious metals for themselves. The effect of this is seen in verses 11 and 23 below, where the gold rusts. Pure gold never rusts, so the rusting reveals the impurities. The gold is impure because the priests, in taking some of the gold for themselves, added other metals to the mix. Those who follow idols are not pure like gold; like impure metals they will rust.(Conte)
(e)6:10 Here meretrices is contrasted with prostitutis. Thus, the translation indicates two types of these women, the ordinary prostitute and the kept woman or mistress.(Conte)
(f)6:17 Their guilty consciences make them like a pursued criminal who has offended the king (God). And again, they are like a dead man about to be taken to the grave, because they cannot escape death when they will be judged by God.(Conte)
(g)6:21 The word cattae is rather obscure, but it probably means cats (or, less probably, some type of bird).(Conte)
(h)6:28 At the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, only pre-menarcheal girls or post menopausal women were allowed to give service to God at the Temple buildings. The foolish priests of Babylon permit fertile and menstruous women to have (inappropriate) roles related to the service of God, unlike the devout Jews of Jerusalem.(Conte)
(i)6:30 The devout Jewish men prayed with their heads covered, but the priest of Babylon do not understand this.(Conte)
(j)6:42 The reason for burning olive-stones may have been for the scent, similar to a perfume, or perhaps they were using the potash from the burnt olive stones as an ingredient in soap.(Conte)
(k)6:56 They that are stronger than them:That is, robbers and thieves are stronger than these idols, being things without life or motion.(Challoner)
(l)6:58 It is not good to be a vain king, or a vessel, or a door, but it is better than being a false god.(Conte)
(m)6:66 This verse contains an obscure reference to the time of the Antichrist, when false gods will show false signs in the heavens, and the light of the sun and the moon will be altered.(Conte)
(n)6:69 A scarecrow scares away birds, but birds to not eat cucumbers. Other pests, such as insects and worms destroy cucumbers, but these are not affected by a scarecrow.(Conte)
(o)6:70 The white thorn is apparently ineffective at keeping birds out of the garden.(Conte)
(p)6:71 Royal purple is Tyrian purple, which is harvested from certain types of shellfish was an ancient, highly-prized, and difficult to process natural pigment. Murex is one of the shellfish from which the dye’s precursor is obtained. Whether ordinary purple, or the much more expensive Tyrian purple, the garments are moth-eaten all the same. (It may be the case that purpura indicates a type of purple dye harvested from one type of shellfish and murice indicates a different type of purple dye harvested from a different shellfish. There are various species of shellfish which are sources of purple dye; one of these is called Purpura and another is called Murex.)(Conte)

The epistle of Jeremias to the captives, as a preservative against idolatry.

This is a copy of the letter that Jeremiah sent to those who would be taken captive into Babylon by the king of Babylon, so as to prophesy to them according to the warning he had received about them from God.

A copy of a letter that Jeremy sent to those who were to be led captives into Babylon by the king of the Babylonians, to give them the message that God commanded him.
Because of the sins which you have committed before God, you will be led away captives to Babylon by Nabuchodonosor king of the Babylonians.
So when you come to Babylon, you will remain there many years, and for a long season, even for seven generations. After that, I will bring you out peacefully from there.
But now you will see in Babylon gods of silver, gold, wood carried on shoulders, which cause the nations to fear.
Beware therefore that you in no way become like these foreigners. Don’t let fear take hold of you because of them when you see the multitude before them and behind them, worshiping them.
But say in your hearts, “O Lord, we must worship you.”
For my angel is with you, and I myself care for your souls.
For their tongue is polished by the workman, and they themselves are overlaid with gold and with silver; yet they are only fake, and can’t speak.
And taking gold, as if it were for a virgin who loves to be happy, they make crowns for the heads of their gods.
Sometimes also the priests take gold and silver from their gods, and spend it on themselves.
They will even give some of it to the common prostitutes. They dress them like men with garments, even the gods of silver, gods of gold, and gods of wood.
Yet these gods can’t save themselves from rust and moths, even though they are covered with purple garments.
They wipe their faces because of the dust of the temple, which is thick upon them.
And he who can’t put to death one who offends against him holds a sceptre, as though he were judge of a country.
He has also a dagger in his right hand, and an axe, but can’t deliver himself from war and robbers.
By this they are known not to be gods. Therefore don’t fear them.
For like a vessel that a man uses is worth nothing when it is broken, even so it is with their gods. When they are set up in the temples, their eyes are full of dust through the feet of those who come in.
As the courts are secured on every side upon him who offends the king, as being committed to suffer death, even so the priests secure their temples with doors, with locks, and bars, lest they be carried off by robbers.
They light candles for them, yes, more than for themselves, even though they can’t see one.
They are like one of the beams of the temple. Men say their hearts are eaten out when things creeping out of the earth devour both them and their clothing. They don’t feel it
when their faces are blackened through the smoke that comes out of the temple.
Bats, swallows, and birds land on their bodies and heads. So do the cats.
By this you may know that they are no gods. Therefore don’t fear them.
Notwithstanding the gold with which they are covered to make them beautiful, unless someone wipes off the tarnish, they won’t shine; for they didn’t even feel it when they were molten.
Things in which there is no breath are bought at any cost.
Having no feet, they are carried upon shoulders. By this, they declare to men that they are worth nothing.
Those who serve them are also ashamed, for if they fall to the ground at any time, they can’t rise up again by themselves. If they are bowed down, they can’t make themselves straight; but the offerings are set before them, as if they were dead men.
And the things that are sacrificed to them, their priests sell and spend. In like manner, their wives also lay up part of it in salt; but to the poor and to the impotent they give none of it.
The menstruous woman and the woman in childbed touch their sacrifices, knowing therefore by these things that they are no gods. Don’t fear them.
For how can they be called gods? Because women set food before the gods of silver, gold, and wood.
And in their temples the priests sit on seats, having their clothes torn and their heads and beards shaven, and nothing on their heads.
They roar and cry before their gods, as men do at the feast when one is dead.
The priests also take off garments from them and clothe their wives and children with them.
Whether it is evil or good what one does to them, they are not able to repay it. They can’t set up a king or put him down.
In like manner, they can neither give riches nor money. Though a man make a vow to them and doesn’t keep it, they will never exact it.
They can save no man from death. They can’t deliver the weak from the mighty.
They can’t restore a blind man to his sight, or deliver anyone who is in distress.
They can show no mercy to the widow, or do good to the fatherless.
They are like the stones that are cut out of the mountain, these gods of wood that are overlaid with gold and with silver. Those who minister to them will be confounded.
How could a man then think or say that they are gods, when even the Chaldeans themselves dishonor them?
If they shall see one mute who can’t speak, they bring him and ask him to call upon Bel, as though he were able to understand.
Yet they can’t perceive this themselves, and forsake them; for they have no understanding.
The women also with cords around them sit in the ways, burning bran for incense; but if any of them, drawn by someone who passes by, lies with him, she reproaches her fellow, that she was not thought as worthy as herself and her cord wasn’t broken.
Whatever is done among them is false. How could a man then think or say that they are gods?
They are fashioned by carpenters and goldsmiths. They can be nothing else than what the workmen make them to be.
And they themselves who fashioned them can never continue long. How then should the things that are fashioned by them?
For they have left lies and reproaches to those who come after.
For when there comes any war or plague upon them, the priests consult with themselves, where they may be hidden with them.
How then can’t men understand that they are no gods, which can’t save themselves from war or from plague?
For seeing they are only wood and overlaid with gold and silver, it will be known hereafter that they are false.
It will be manifest to all nations and kings that they are no gods, but the works of men’s hands, and that there is no work of God in them.
Who then may not know that they are not gods?
For they can’t set up a king in a land or give rain to men.
They can’t judge their own cause, or redress a wrong, being unable; for they are like crows between heaven and earth.
For even when fire falls upon the house of gods of wood overlaid with gold or with silver, their priests will flee away, and escape, but they themselves will be burned apart like beams.
Moreover they can’t withstand any king or enemies. How could a man then admit or think that they are gods?
Those gods of wood overlaid with silver or with gold aren’t able to escape from thieves or robbers.
The gold, silver, and garments with which they are clothed—those who are strong will take from them, and go away with them. They won’t be able to help themselves.
Therefore it is better to be a king who shows his manhood, or else a vessel in a house profitable for whatever the owner needs, than such false gods—or even a door in a house, to keep the things safe that are in it, than such false gods; or better to be a pillar of wood in a palace than such false gods.
For sun, moon, and stars, being bright and sent to do their jobs, are obedient.
Likewise also the lightning when it flashes is beautiful to see. In the same way, the wind also blows in every country.
And when God commands the clouds to go over the whole world, they do as they are told.
And the fire sent from above to consume mountains and woods does as it is commanded; but these are to be compared to them neither in show nor power.
Therefore a man shouldn’t think or say that they are gods, seeing they aren’t able to judge causes or to do good to men.
Knowing therefore that they are no gods, don’t fear them.
For they can neither curse nor bless kings.
They can’t show signs in the heavens among the nations, or shine as the sun, or give light as the moon.
The beasts are better than they; for they can get under a covert, and help themselves.
In no way then is it manifest to us that they are gods. Therefore don’t fear them.
For as a scarecrow in a garden of cucumbers that keeps nothing, so are their gods of wood overlaid with gold and silver.
Likewise also their gods of wood overlaid with gold and with silver, are like a white thorn in an orchard that every bird sits upon. They are also like a dead body that is thrown out into the dark.
You will know them to be no gods by the bright purple that rots upon them. They themselves will be consumed afterwards, and will be a reproach in the country.
Better therefore is the just man who has no idols; for he will be far from reproach.