The Word Am I

The Second Book of Maccabees

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 12 -

The Jews are still molested by their neighbours. Judas gains divers victories over them. He orders sacrifice and prayers for the dead.

After these pacts were made, Lysias proceeded on to the king, but the Jews undertook the work of agriculture.
However, those who had withdrawn: Timothy, and Apollonius, the son of Gennaeus, along with Hieronymus, and Demophon, and, in addition to these, Nicanor, the governor of Cyprus, would not permit them to live in peace and quiet.
Truly, those of Joppa were also perpetrators of very shameful acts. They asked the Jews, who lived among them, to go up into small boats, which they had prepared, with their wives and sons, as if no underlying hostility was between them.
And so, according to the common decree of the city, they acquiesced to them, having no suspicions and because there was peace. When they had proceeded out into deep water, they drowned no less than two hundred of them.
When Judas learned of the cruelty done to the men of his nation, he informed the men who were with him, and, having called upon God, the Just Judge,
he went against the executors of his brothers, and he even set the port on fire in the night; he burned the boats, but those who took refuge from the fire, he destroyed with the sword.
And when he had done these things in this way, he departed, as if he would return again to eradicate all those of Joppa.
But when he also realized those who were of Jamnia wanted to act in a similar way to the Jews living among them,
he went against those of Jamnia also by night, and he set the port on fire, along with the ships, so much so that the light of the fire was seen at Jerusalem, two hundred and forty stadia away.(a)
When they had now gone from there nine stadia, and were making their way toward Timothy, they met in battle with those of Arabia: five thousand men and five hundred horsemen.
And when a strong fight occurred, and, by the help of God, it ceased favorably, the remainder of the Arabians who were overcome petitioned Judas to give them a pledge, promising to give him pastures and to assist him in other things in the future.(b)
Then Judas, thinking that they truly might be useful in many ways, promised peace. And after receiving the pledge of his right hand, they withdrew to their tents.
Then he also assaulted a certain strong city, surrounded with bridges and walls, which was inhabited by a crowd from many different nations, the name of which is Casphin.
In truth, those who were inside, trusting in the strength of the walls and in the preparations of rations, acted irresponsibly, and they challenged Judas with evil words and blaspheming, as well as by speaking what is not lawful.
But Maccabeus rushed fiercely to the walls, calling upon the great Leader of the world, who, without battering rams or machines of war, had thrown down the walls of Jericho in the time of Joshua.(c)
And, having captured the city through the will of the Lord, he made a slaughter without number, so much so that an adjoining pool, two stadia in width, was seen to flow with the blood of the slain.
From there, they withdrew seven hundred and fifty stadia, and they came to Charax, to those Jews who are called Tubianites.
And Timothy, indeed, they did not find in those places, for he withdrew before he completed any endeavor, having left behind a very strong garrison in a certain place.
But Dositheus and Sosipater, who were commanders with Maccabeus, destroyed those who were left behind by Timothy in the stronghold: ten thousand men.
And Maccabeus, having positioned six thousand men around him and having divided them into cohorts, went forth against Timothy, who had with him one hundred twenty thousand foot soldiers, and two thousand five hundred horsemen.(d)
But when Timothy learned of the arrival of Judas, he sent ahead the women, and the children, and the remainder of the preparations, into a fortress, which is called Carnion. For it was impregnable and difficult to access because of the narrowness of the places.
And when the first cohort of Judas had appeared, the enemies were struck with fear by the presence of God, who beholds all things, and they were turned to flight, one over another, to such an extent that they were being knocked over by one another and were being wounded with the strokes of their own swords.
But Judas pursued them vehemently, punishing the profane and striking down thirty thousand of their men.
In truth, Timothy himself fell to the group under Dositheus and Sosipater. And with much begging, he pleaded with them to release him alive, because he held the parents and brothers of many of the Jews, who, at his death, might happen to be mistreated.(e)
And when he had given his faith that he would restore them according to the agreement, they released him unharmed, for the sake of their brothers’ well-being.
Then Judas departed to Carnion, where he slew twenty-five thousand.
After having put to flight or killed these, he moved his army to Ephron, a fortified city, in which there lived a multitude of diverse peoples. And hardy young men, standing upon the walls, put up a strong fight. Moreover, in this place, there were many machines of war, and equipment for casting darts.
But when they had called upon the Almighty, who with his power breaks the strength of enemies, they seized the city. And they struck down twenty-five thousand of those who were inside.
From there, they went to the city of Scythia, which was six hundred stadia away from Jerusalem.(f)
But the Jews, those who were among the Scythians, testified that they were treated kindly by them, and that, even in the times of unhappiness, they had treated them mildly.
They gave thanks to them, exhorting them to be kind to their people, now and at other times. And they went to Jerusalem, as the solemn days of the seven weeks were underway.(g)
And, after Pentecost, they marched against Gorgias, the foremost leader over Idumea.
And he went out with three thousand foot soldiers and four hundred horsemen.
And when they came together, it happened that a few of the Jews were overthrown.
In fact, a certain Dositheus, a horseman of Bacenor, a strong man, took hold of Gorgias. And when he would have captured him alive, a certain horseman of the Thracians rushed upon him and cut off his arm, and so, in this way, Gorgias escaped to Maresa.
But when those who were with Esdris had fought all day and were fatigued, Judas called upon the Lord to be their helper and leader in the battle.
Beginning in the language of the fathers, and loudly extolling hymns, he inspired the soldiers of Gorgias to take flight.
Then Judas, having collected his army, went into the city Adullam. And, when the seventh day came, they purified themselves according to the custom, and they kept the Sabbath in the same place.
And the following day, Judas came with his own, in order to take away the bodies of the fallen, and to place them in the sepulchers of their fathers with their ancestors.
But they found, under the tunics of the slain, some of the treasures of the idols that were near Jamnia, which were prohibited to Jews by the law. Therefore, it became manifest that it was for this reason that they had been overthrown.(h)
And so, they all blessed the just judgment of the Lord, who had made hidden things manifest.
So then, turning themselves to prayers, they petitioned him that the offense which had been done would be delivered into oblivion. And truly, the very strong Judas exhorted the people to keep themselves without sin, since they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sins of those who were struck down.
And, calling an assembly, he sent twelve thousand drachmas of silver to Jerusalem, to be offered for a sacrifice for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously about the resurrection,
(for if he had not hoped that those who had fallen would be resurrected, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead,)
and because he considered that those who had fallen asleep with piety had great grace stored up for them.(i)
Therefore, it is a holy and beneficial thought to pray on behalf of those who have passed away, so that they may be released from sins.(j)


(a)12:9 The distance of 240 stadia is about 27.5 miles or about 44 kilometers.(Conte)
(b)12:11 Notice, from the way that this passage is worded, that Judas and his army did not fare so well in this battle. They obtained the upper hand after a difficult fight, but they did not completely defeat the Arabs. The battle ceased (cessisset) and the situation at that cessation favored (prospere) Judas, but the Arabs did not turn and flee. It was a marginal victory, not a rout.(Conte)
(c)12:15 Rams:That is, engines for battering walls, etc., which were used in sieges in those times.(Challoner)
(d)12:20 A cohort, at least among the Romans, was supposed to be 360 men, so the number of men cited as six thousand is like an approximation, or else the dividing into cohorts is an approximation.(Conte)
(e)12:24 This last part sound like a veiled threat by Timothy against those Jews whom his men held under their power.(Conte)
(f)12:29 Scythopolis:Formerly called Bethsan.(Challoner)
(g)12:31 Or, ‘as the solemn days of the Feast of Weeks were approaching.’(Conte)
(h)12:40 Of the donaries, etc:That is, of the votive offerings, which had been hung up in the temples of the idols, which they had taken away when they burnt the port of Jamnia, ver. 9., contrary to the prohibition of the law, Deut. 7:25.(Challoner)
(i)12:45 With godliness:Judas hoped that these men who died fighting for the cause of God and religion, might find mercy: either because they might be excused from mortal sin by ignorance; or might have repented of their sin, at least at their death.(Challoner)
(j)12:46 It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead:Here is an evident and undeniable proof of the practice of praying for the dead under the old law, which was then strictly observed by the Jews, and consequently could not be introduced at that time by Judas, their chief and high priest, if it had not been always their custom.(Challoner)

The Jews are still molested by their neighbours. Judas gains divers victories over them. He orders sacrifice and prayers for the dead.

So when this agreement had been made, Lysias departed to the king, and the Jews went about their farming.
But some of the governors of districts, Timotheus and Apollonius the son of Gennaeus, and also Hieronymus and Demophon, and beside them Nicanor the governor of Cyprus, would not allow them to enjoy tranquillity and live in peace.
Men of Joppa perpetrated this great impiety: they invited the Jews who lived among them to go with their wives and children into the boats which they had provided, as though they had no ill will toward them.
When(a) the Jews,(b) relying on the public vote of the city, accepted the invitation, as men desiring to live in peace and suspecting nothing, they took them out to sea and drowned not less than two hundred of them.
When Judas heard of the cruelty done to his fellow-countrymen, giving command to the men that were with him
and calling upon God the righteous Judge, he came against the murderers of his kindred, and set the harbor on fire at night, burned the boats, and put to the sword those who had fled there.
But when the town gates were closed, he withdrew, intending to come again to root out the whole community of the men of Joppa.
But learning that the men of Jamnia intended to do the same thing to the Jews who lived among them,
he attacked the Jamnites at night, and set fire to the harbor together with the fleet, so that the glare of the light was seen at Jerusalem, two hundred forty furlongs(c) distant.
Now when they had drawn off nine furlongs(d) from there, as they marched against Timotheus, an army of Arabians attacked him, no fewer than five thousand infantry and five hundred cavalry.
And when a hard battle had been fought, and Judas and his company, by the help of God, had good success, the nomads being overcome implored Judas to grant them friendship, promising to give him livestock, and to help (e)his people in all other ways.
So Judas, thinking that they would indeed be profitable in many things, agreed to live in peace with them; and receiving pledges of friendship they departed to their tents.
He also attacked a certain city, strong and fenced with earthworks and walls, and inhabited by a mixed multitude of various nations. It was named Caspin.
Those who were within, trusting in the strength of the walls and their store of provisions, behaved themselves rudely toward Judas and those who were with him, railing, and furthermore blaspheming and speaking impious words.
But Judas and his company, calling upon the great Sovereign of the world, who without rams and cunning engines of war hurled down Jericho in the times of Joshua, rushed wildly against the wall.
Having taken the city by the will of God, they made unspeakable slaughter, so much that the adjoining lake, which was two furlongs(f) broad, appeared to be filled with the deluge of blood.
When they had gone seven hundred fifty furlongs(g) from there, they made their way to Charax, to the Jews that are called (h)Tubieni.
They didn’t find Timotheus in that district, for he had by then departed from the district without accomplishing anything, but had left behind a very strong garrison in one place.
But Dositheus and Sosipater, who were captains under Maccabaeus, went out and destroyed those who had been left by Timotheus in the stronghold, more than ten thousand men.
Maccabaeus, arranging his own army in divisions, set (i)these two over the bands, and marched in haste against Timotheus, who had with him one hundred twenty thousand infantry and two thousand five hundred cavalry.
When Timotheus heard of the approach of Judas, he at once sent away the women and the children with the baggage into the fortress called (j)Carnion; for the place was hard to besiege and difficult of access by reason of the narrowness of the approaches on all sides.
When the band of Judas, who led the first division, appeared in sight, and when terror and fear came upon the enemy, because the manifestation of him who sees all things came upon them, they fled in every direction, carried this way and that, so that they were often injured by their own men, and pierced with the points of their own swords.
Judas continued the pursuit more vigorously, putting the wicked wretches to the sword, and he destroyed as many as thirty thousand men.
Timotheus himself, falling in with the company of Dositheus and Sosipater, implored them with much crafty guile to let him go with his life, because he had in his power the parents of many of them and the kindred of some. (k) “Otherwise, he said, little regard will (l) be shown to these.”
So when he had with many words confirmed the agreement to restore them without harm, they let him go that they might save their kindred.
Then Judas, marching against (m)Carnion and the temple of Atergatis, killed twenty-five thousand people.
After he had put these to flight and destroyed them, he marched against Ephron also, a strong city, (n)wherein were multitudes of people of all nations. Stalwart young men placed (o)on the walls made a vigorous defense. There were great stores of war engines and darts there.
But calling upon the Sovereign who with might shatters the (p)strength of (q)the enemy, they took the city into their hands, and killed as many as twenty-five thousand of those who were in it.
Setting out from there, they marched in haste against Scythopolis, which is six hundred furlongs(r) away from Jerusalem.
But when the Jews who were settled there testified of the good will that the Scythopolitans had shown toward them, and of their kind treatment of them in the times of their misfortune,
they gave thanks, and further exhorted them to remain well disposed toward the race for the future. Then they went up to Jerusalem, the feast of weeks being close at hand.
But after the feast called Pentecost, they marched in haste against Gorgias the governor of Idumaea.
He came out with three thousand infantry and four hundred cavalry.
When they had set themselves in array, it came to pass that a few of the Jews fell.
A certain Dositheus, one (s) of Bacenor’s company, who was on horseback and was a strong man, pressed hard on Gorgias, and taking hold of his cloke dragged him along by main force. While he planned to take the accursed man alive, one of the Thracian cavalry bore down on him and disabled his shoulder, and so Gorgias escaped to (t)Marisa.
When those who were with Esdris had been fighting long and were weary, Judas called upon the Lord to show himself, fighting on their side and leading in the battle.
Then in the language of his ancestors he raised the battle cry joined with hymns. Then he rushed against Gorgias’ troops when they were not expecting it, and put them to flight.
Judas gathered his army and came to the city of (u)Adullam. As the seventh day was coming on, they purified themselves according to the custom, and kept the Sabbath there.
On the following day, (v)when it had become necessary, Judas and his company came to take up the bodies of those who had fallen, (w)and in company with their kinsmen to bring them back to the sepulchres of their ancestors.
But under the garments of each one of the dead they found (x)consecrated tokens of the idols of Jamnia, which the law forbids the Jews to have anything to do with. It became clear to all that it was for this cause that they had fallen.
All therefore, blessing the ways of the Lord, the righteous Judge, who makes manifest the things that are hidden,
turned themselves to supplication, praying that the sin committed might be wholly blotted out. The noble Judas exhorted the multitude to keep themselves from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what happened because of the sin of those who had fallen.
When he had made a collection man by man to the sum of two thousand drachmas of silver, he sent to Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice for sin, doing very well and honorably in this, in that he took thought for the resurrection.
For if he wasn’t expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would be superfluous and idle to pray for the dead.
But if he was looking forward to an honorable memorial of gratitude laid up for those who (y)die (z)in godliness, then the thought was holy and godly. Therefore he made the atoning sacrifice for those who had died, that they might be released from their sin.


(a)12:4 Gr. they also.
(b)12:4 Gr. after.
(c)12:9 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 240 furlongs is about 48 km. or 30 miles
(d)12:10 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 9 furlongs is about 1.8 km. or 1 1/8 miles
(e)12:11 Gr. them.
(f)12:16 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 2 furlongs is about 402 meters or 1/4 mile
(g)12:17 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 750 furlongs is about 151 km. or 94 miles
(h)12:17 That is, men of Tob:see Judges 11:3 2 Samuel 10:6 and compare 1 Maccabees 5:13 .
(i)12:20 Gr. them.
(j)12:21 Compare Carnain, 1 Maccabees 5:26 43, 44.
(k)12:24 Gr. and the result will be that these be disregarded.The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.
(l)12:24 Or, have been shown
(m)12:26 Compare Carnain, 1 Maccabees 5:26 43, 44.
(n)12:27 The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt.
(o)12:27 Gr. in front of.
(p)12:28 Some authorities read weight.
(q)12:28 Or, his enemies
(r)12:29 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 600 furlongs is about 121 km. or 75 miles
(s)12:35 The Greek text is uncertain.
(t)12:35 Compare 1 Maccabees 5:65 .
(u)12:38 Gr. Odollam.
(v)12:39 The Greek text here is uncertain.
(w)12:39 Or, and to bring them back to be with their kinsmen in the sepulchres
(x)12:40 Perhaps these were consecrated images of the idols.
(y)12:45 Gr. fall asleep.
(z)12:45 Or, on the side of godliness