Das Wort Bin Ich

The First Book of Maccabees

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 11 -

Ptolemee invades the kingdom of Alexander: the latter is slain: and the former dies soon after. Demetrius honours Jonathan, and is rescued by the Jews from his own subjects in Antioch. Antiochus the younger favours Jonathan. His exploits in divers places.

And the king of Egypt gathered together an army, like the sand that is along the shore of the sea, and many ships. And he sought to obtain the kingdom of Alexander by deceit, and to add it to his own kingdom.
And he departed into Syria with words of peace, and they opened the cities to him, and they were meeting with him. For king Alexander had commanded them to go out to meet him, because he was his father-in-law.
But when Ptolemy entered a city, he placed garrisons of soldiers in each of the cities.
And when he drew near to Azotus, they revealed to him that the temple of Dagon had been burned with fire, and Azotus and its suburbs had been demolished, and bodies had been abandoned, and that, for those who had been cut to pieces in the war, they had made a tomb along the way.
And they told the king that Jonathan had done these things, so as to make him hated. But the king remained silent.
And Jonathan went to meet the king at Joppa with glory, and they greeted one another, and they stayed there.
And Jonathan went with the king as far as the river, which is called Eleutherus. And he returned to Jerusalem.
But king Ptolemy obtained the dominion of the coastal cities, as far as Seleucia, and he devised evil plans against Alexander.
And he sent ambassadors to Demetrius, saying: “Come, let us compose a pact between us, and I will give you my daughter, whom Alexander had, and you will reign in the kingdom of your father.
For I regret that I have given him my daughter. For he has sought to kill me.”
And he slandered him, because he coveted his kingdom.
And he took away his daughter, and he gave her to Demetrius, and he alienated himself from Alexander, and his hostilities were made manifest.
And Ptolemy entered Antioch, and he placed two diadems upon his head, that of Egypt, and that of Asia.
Now king Alexander was in Cilicia at that time, because the people of those places were rebelling.
And when Alexander heard of it, he came against him in warfare. And king Ptolemy led forth his army, and he met him with a strong hand, and he put him to flight.
And Alexander fled into Arabia, so as to be protected there. And king Ptolemy was exalted.
And Zabdiel the Arab took off the head of Alexander, and he sent it to Ptolemy.
And king Ptolemy died on the third day, and those who were in the strongholds were destroyed by those who were in the camp.
And Demetrius reigned in the one hundred and sixty-seventh year.
In those days, Jonathan gathered together those who were in Judea, in order to fight against the stronghold that was in Jerusalem. And they made many machines of war against it.
And so, certain men of iniquity, who hated their own people, went forth to king Demetrius, and they reported to him that Jonathan was besieging the stronghold.
And when he heard it, he became angry. And immediately he came to Ptolemais, and he wrote to Jonathan that he should not besiege the stronghold, but that he should meet with him promptly, for a discussion.
But when Jonathan heard this, he ordered them to besiege it. And he chose some from the elders of Israel and from the priests, and he put himself in danger.
And he took gold, and silver, and vestments, and many other presents, and he went to the king at Ptolemais, and he found favor in his sight.(a)
And some of the iniquitous from his nation came forward with objections against him.
And the king treated him just as those who were before him had treated him. And he exalted him in the sight of all his friends.
And he confirmed him in the high priesthood and in all the other honors that he held before, and he made him the leader of his friends.
And Jonathan requested of the king that he would make Judea free from tribute, along with the three districts, and Samaria, and its confines. And he promised him three hundred talents.
And the king consented. And he wrote letters to Jonathan about all these things, continuing in this way:
“King Demetrius to his brother Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews: greetings.
We are sending you a copy of the letter that we wrote to Lasthenes, our parent, about you, so that you will know.
‘King Demetrius to Lasthenes, his parent: greetings.
We have determined to do good to the people of the Jews, who are our friends and who keep to what is just with us, because of their good will, which they hold toward us.
Therefore, we have assigned to them all the parts of Judea, and the three cities, Lydda and Ramatha, which were added to Judea from Samaria, and all their confines, to be set apart for all those sacrificing in Jerusalem, in place of that which the king previously received from them each year, and in place of the fruits of the land and of the fruit trees.(b)
And, as for the rest of that which pertains to us from tithes and tributes, from this time forward, we release them from these, as well as from the drying areas of salt and the crowns that were presented to us.
All these, we concede to them, and nothing of these shall be revoked, from this time forward and for all time.
Now, therefore, take care to make a copy of these things, and let it be given to Jonathan and set upon the holy mountain, in an honorable place.’ ”
And king Demetrius, seeing that the land was quieted in his sight and that nothing resisted him, sent all his forces away, each one to his own place, except the foreign army, which he had drawn together from the islands of the nations. And so all the troops of his fathers were hostile to him.
But there was a certain one, Trypho, who was previously on Alexander’s side. And he saw that all the army murmured against Demetrius, and so he went to Imalkue the Arab, who raised Antiochus, the son of Alexander.
And he persuaded him to deliver him to him, so that he would reign in his father’s place. And he reported to him what Demetrius had done, and that his army was hostile to him. And he remained there for many days.
And Jonathan sent to king Demetrius, so that he would cast out those who were in the stronghold in Jerusalem and those who were with the garrisons, because they fought against Israel.
And Demetrius sent to Jonathan, saying: “I will not only do this for you and your people, but I will elevate your glory and your nation, when opportunity shall serve.
Now, therefore, you will do well if you send men as auxiliaries to me. For all my army has withdrawn from me.”
And Jonathan sent three thousand strong men to him at Antioch. And they came to the king, and the king was delighted at their arrival.
And those who were of the city gathered together, one hundred and twenty thousand men, and they wanted to execute the king.
And the king fled into the royal court. And those who were of the city, occupied the passageways of the city, and they began to fight.
And the king called the Jews to his assistance. And they came together before him at the same time, and then they all dispersed themselves throughout the city.
And they killed, in that day, one hundred thousand men, and they set fire to the city, and they seized many spoils in that day, and they freed the king.
And those who were of the city saw that the Jews had taken the city, just as they wanted, and they were weakened in their resolve, and they cried out to the king with supplication, saying,
“Grant us a pledge, and let the Jews cease from assailing us and the city.”
And they threw down their arms, and they made peace. And the Jews were glorified in the sight of the king and in the sight of all who were in his realm. And they became renowned in the kingdom, and they returned to Jerusalem, holding many spoils.
And so king Demetrius sat on the throne of his kingdom. And the land was quieted in his sight.
And he falsified everything whatsoever that he had said. And he alienated himself from Jonathan, and he did not repay him according to the benefits that he had received in tribute from him. And he vexed him greatly.
But after this, Trypho returned, and with him was Antiochus, the adolescent boy, and he reigned, and he put a diadem on himself.
And there assembled before him all the troops, which Demetrius had dispersed, and they fought against him. And he turned his back and fled.
And Trypho took the elephants, and he obtained Antioch.
And young Antiochus wrote to Jonathan, saying: “I confirm you in the priesthood, and I appoint you over the four cities, so as to be among the king’s friends.”
And he sent him vessels of gold for his ministry, and he gave him the authority to drink from gold, and to be clothed in purple, and to have a golden clasp.
And he appointed his brother Simon as governor, from the borders of Tyre, all the way to the borders of Egypt.
Then Jonathan went out, and he passed through the cities across the river. And all the armies of Syria were gathered together in assistance to him, and he came to Askalon, and those from the city met him honorably.
And he went from there to Gaza. And those who were in Gaza closed themselves in. And so he besieged it, and he burned all that was around the city, and he plundered it.
And those of Gaza petitioned Jonathan, and he pledged to them with his right hand, and he accepted their sons as hostages and sent them to Jerusalem. And he traveled through the country, as far as Damascus.
And Jonathan heard that the leaders of Demetrius were acting treacherously at Kadesh, which is in Galilee, with a great army, intending to remove him from the affairs of the kingdom.
And he went to meet them. But he left his brother Simon behind in the countryside.
And Simon took a position against Bethzur, and he assailed it for many days, and he closed them in.
And they asked him to accept a pledge, and he granted this to them. And he cast them out of there, and he seized the city, and he placed a garrison in it.(c)
And Jonathan and his camp took a position by the water of Gennesaret, and, before first light, they were standing watch in the plains of Hazor.
And behold, an army of foreigners met him in the plains. And they set up an ambush against him in the mountains. But he met them from the opposite direction.
Yet those lying in ambush then rose up from their places and joined them in combat.
And all those who were from Jonathan’s side fled, and not one of them was left, except Mattathias, the son of Absalom, and Judas, the son of Chalphi, the leader of military training.
And so Jonathan tore his garments, and he placed dirt on his head, and he prayed.
And Jonathan turned back toward them in battle, and he put them to flight, and they fought.
And when those from his side, who had fled, saw this, they returned to him, and with him they all pursued them, even to Kadesh, to their camp, and they even passed beyond there.
And there fell from the foreigners on that day three thousand men. And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem.


(a)11:24 The word ‘xenia’ is an unusual word referring to gifts given to guests.(Conte)
(b)11:34 Apherema:is found only in the Greek version.(Challoner)
(c)11:66 Again, the right hand was raised as a pledge (as is still the custom today).(Conte)

Ptolemee invades the kingdom of Alexander: the latter is slain: and the former dies soon after. Demetrius honours Jonathan, and is rescued by the Jews from his own subjects in Antioch. Antiochus the younger favours Jonathan. His exploits in divers places.

Then the king of Egypt gathered together great forces, as the sand which is by the sea shore, and many ships, and sought to make himself master of Alexander’s kingdom by deceit, and to add it to his own kingdom.
He went out into Syria with words of peace, and the people of the cities opened their gates to him and met him; for King Alexander’s command was that they should meet him, because he was his father-in-law.
Now as he entered into the cities of Ptolemais, he set his forces for a garrison in each city.
But when he came near to Azotus, they showed him the temple of Dagon burned with fire, and Azotus and its pasture lands destroyed, and the bodies cast out, and those who had been burned, whom he burned in the war, for they had made heaps of them in his way.
They told the king what Jonathan had done, that they might cast blame on him; but the king kept silent.
Jonathan met the king with pomp at Joppa, and they greeted one another, and they slept there.
Jonathan went with the king as far as the river that is called Eleutherus, then returned to Jerusalem.
But King Ptolemy took control of the cities along the sea coast, to Selucia which is by the sea, and he devised evil plans concerning Alexander.
He sent ambassadors to King Demetrius, saying, “Come! Let’s make a covenant with one another, and I will give you my daughter whom Alexander has, and you shall reign over your father’s kingdom;
for I regret that I gave my daughter to him, for he tried to kill me.
He accused him, because he coveted his kingdom.
Taking his daughter from him, he gave her to Demetrius, and was estranged from Alexander, and their enmity was openly seen.
Ptolemy entered into Antioch, and put on himself the crown of Asia. He put two crowns upon his head, the crown of Egypt and that of Asia.
But King Alexander was in Cilicia at that time, because the people of that region were in revolt.
When Alexander heard of it, he came against him in war. Ptolemy marched out and met him with a strong force, and put him to flight.
Alexander fled into Arabia, that he might be sheltered there; but King Ptolemy was triumphant.
Zabdiel the Arabian took off Alexander’s head, and sent it to Ptolemy.
King Ptolemy died the third day after, and those who were in his strongholds were slain by the inhabitants of the strongholds.
Demetrius became king in the one hundred sixty-seventh year.(a)
In those days Jonathan gathered together the Judeans to take the citadel that was at Jerusalem. He made many engines of war to use against it.
Some lawless men who hated their own nation went to the king and reported to him that Jonathan was besieging the citadel.
He heard, and was angry, but when he heard it, he set out immediately, and came to Ptolemais, and wrote to Jonathan, that he should not besiege it, and that he should meet him and speak with him at Ptolemais with all speed.
But when Jonathan heard this, he gave orders to continue the siege. He chose some of the elders of Israel and of the priests, and put himself in peril
by taking silver, gold, clothing, and various other presents, and went to Ptolemais to the king. Then he found favor in his sight.
Some lawless men of those who were of the nation made complaints against him,
and the king did to him even as his predecessors had done to him, and exalted him in the sight of all his(b) friends,
and confirmed to him the high priesthood, and all the other honors that he had before, and gave him preeminence among his(c) chief friends.
And Jonathan requested of the king that he would make Judea free from tribute, along with the three(d) provinces and the country of Samaria, and promised him three hundred talents.
The king consented, and wrote letters to Jonathan concerning all these things as follows:
“King Demetrius to his brother Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews, greetings.
The copy of the letter which we wrote to Lasthenes our kinsman concerning you, we have written also to you, that you may see it.
‘King Demetrius to Lasthenes his father, greetings.
We have determined to do good to the nation of the Jews, who are our friends, and observe what is just toward us, because of their good will toward us.
We have confirmed therefore to them the borders of Judea, and also the three governments of Aphaerema, Lydda, and Ramathaim (these were added to Judea from the country of Samaria), and all their territory to them, for all who do sacrifice in Jerusalem, instead of the king’s dues which the king received of them yearly before from the produce of the earth and the fruits of trees.
As for the other payments to us from henceforth, of the tithes and the taxes that pertain to us, and the salt pits, and the crown taxes due to us, all these we will give back to them.
Not one of these grants shall be annulled from this time forth and forever.
Now therefore be careful to make a copy of these things, and let it be given to Jonathan, and let it be set up on the holy mountain in a suitable and conspicuous place.’”
When King Demetrius saw that the land was quiet before him, and that no resistance was made to him, he sent away all his troops, each man to his own place, except the foreign troops, which he had raised from the islands of the Gentiles. So all the troops of his fathers hated him.
Now Tryphon was one of those who previously had been on Alexander’s side, and he saw that all the forces murmured against Demetrius. So he went to Imalcue the Arabian, who was raising up Antiochus the young child of Alexander,
and urgently insisted to him that he should deliver him to him, that he might reign in his father’s place. He told him all that Demetrius had done, and the hatred with which his forces hated him; and he stayed there many days.
Now Jonathan sent to King Demetrius, that he should remove the troops of the citadel from Jerusalem, and the troops who were in the strongholds; for they fought against Israel continually.
Demetrius sent to Jonathan, saying, “I will not only do this for you and your nation, but I will greatly honor you and your nation, if I find an opportunity.
Now therefore you shall do well if you send me men who will fight for me; for all my forces have revolted.”
So Jonathan sent him three thousand valiant men to Antioch. They came to the king, and the king was glad at their coming.
The people of the city gathered themselves together into the midst of the city, to the number of one hundred and twenty thousand men, and they wanted to kill the king.
The king fled into the court of the palace, and the people of the city seized the main streets of the city and began to fight.
The king called the Jews to help him, and they were gathered together to him all at once, and they dispersed themselves in the city, and killed that day about one hundred thousand.
They set the city on fire, and seized many spoils that day, and saved the king.
The people of the city saw that the Jews had taken control of the city as they pleased, and they became faint in their hearts, and they cried out to the king with supplication, saying,
“Give us your right hand, and let the Jews cease from fighting against us and the city.”
They threw away their weapons and made peace. The Jews were glorified in the sight of the king, and before all who were in his kingdom. Then they returned to Jerusalem, having much plunder.
So King Demetrius sat on the throne of his kingdom, and the land was quiet before him.
He lied in all that he spoke, and estranged himself from Jonathan, and didn’t repay him according to the benefits with which he had repaid him, and treated him very harshly.
Now after this, Tryphon returned, and with him the young child Antiochus, who reigned and put on a crown.
All the forces which Demetrius had sent away with disgrace were gathered to him, and they fought against him, and he fled and was routed.
Tryphon took the elephants, and took control of Antioch.
The young Antiochus wrote to Jonathan, saying, “I confirm to you the high priesthood, and appoint you over the four districts, and to be one of the king’s(e) friends.”
He sent to him golden vessels and furniture for the table, and gave him permission to drink in golden vessels, and to be clothed in purple, and to have a golden buckle.
He made his brother Simon governor from the Ladder of Tyre to the borders of Egypt.
Jonathan went out and took his journey beyond the river and through the cities. All the forces of Syria gathered themselves to him to be his allies. He came to Ascalon, and the people of the city met him honorably.
He departed from there to Gaza, and the people of Gaza shut him out. So he besieged it and burned its pasture lands with fire, and plundered them.
The people of Gaza pleaded with Jonathan, and he gave them his right hand, and took the sons of their princes for hostages, and sent them away to Jerusalem. Then he passed through the country as far as Damascus.
Then Jonathan heard that Demetrius’ princes had come to Kedesh, which is in Galilee, with a great army, intending to remove him from his office.
He went to meet them, but he left Simon his brother in the country.
Simon encamped against Bethsura, and fought against it many days, and hemmed it in.
They asked him to give them his right hand, and he gave it to them. He removed them from there, took possession of the city, and set a garrison over it.
Jonathan and his army encamped at the water of Gennesareth, and early in the morning they marched to the plain of Hazor.
Behold, an army of foreigners met him in the plain. They laid an ambush for him in the mountains, but they themselves met him face to face.
But those who lay in ambush rose out of their places and joined battle. All those who were on Jonathan’s side fled.
Not one of them was left, except Mattathias the son of Absalom, and Judas the son of Chalphi, captains of the forces.
Jonathan tore his clothes, put dirt on his head, and prayed.
He turned again to them in battle, and routed them, and they fled.
When the men on his side who had fled saw this, they returned to him and pursued with him to Kedesh to their camp, and they encamped there.
About three thousand men of the foreigners fell on that day. Then Jonathan returned to Jerusalem.


(a)11:19 circa B.C. 146.
(b)11:26 See 1 Maccabees 2:18 .
(c)11:27 See 1 Maccabees 10:65 .
(d)11:28 Gr. toparchies
(e)11:57 See 1 Maccabees 2:18 .