Das Wort Bin Ich

The Book of Psalms

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 68 -

God's enemies are scattered

Unto the end. A Canticle Psalm of David himself.
May God rise up, and may his enemies be scattered, and may those who hate him flee from before his face.
Just as smoke vanishes, so may they vanish. Just as wax flows away before the face of fire, so may sinners pass away before the face of God.
And so, let the just feast, and let them exult in the sight of God and be delighted in gladness.
Sing to God, sing a psalm to his name. Make a path for him, who ascends over the west. The Lord is his name. Exult in his sight; they will be stirred up before his face,(a)
the father of orphans and the judge of widows. God is in his holy place.
It is God who makes men dwell in a house under one custom. He leads out those who are strongly bound, and similarly, those who exasperate, who dwell in sepulchers.(b) (c) (d)
O God, when you departed in the sight of your people, when you passed through the desert,
the earth was moved, for the heavens rained down before the face of the God of Sinai, before the face of the God of Israel.(e)
You will set aside for your inheritance, O God, a willing rain. And though it was weak, truly, you have made it perfect.(f)
Your animals will dwell in it. O God, in your sweetness, you have provided for the poor.(g)
The Lord will give the word to evangelizers, along with great virtue.(h)
The King of virtue is beloved among the beloved. And the beauty of the house will divide spoils.(i) (j)
If you take your rest in the midst of the clergy, you will be like a dove whose wings are covered with fine silver and edged with pale gold.(k)
When heaven discerns kings to be over her, they will be whitened with the snows of Zalmon.(l)
The mountain of God is a fat mountain, a dense mountain, a thick mountain.(m)
So then, why are you distrustful of dense mountains? The mountain on which God is well pleased to dwell, even there, the Lord will dwell until the end.(n)
The chariot of God is ten thousand fold: thousands rejoice. The Lord is with them in Sinai, in the holy place.(o)
You have ascended on high; you have taken captivity captive. You have accepted gifts among men. For even those who do not believe dwell with the Lord God.(p)
Blessed is the Lord, day after day. The God of our salvation will make our journey prosper for us.
Our God is the God who will bring about our salvation, and our Lord is the Lord who has brought an end to death.(q) (r)
So then, truly, God will break the heads of his enemies, the hairy skull of those who wander around in their offenses.
The Lord said: I will turn them away from Bashan, I will turn them into the depths of the sea,(s)
so that your feet may be soaked in the blood of your enemies, so that the tongue of your dogs may be soaked with the same.(t) (u)
O God, they have seen your arrival, the arrival of my God, of my king who is in a holy place.(v)
The leaders went ahead, united with the singers of psalms, in the midst of girls playing on timbrels.(w)
In the churches, bless the Lord God from the fountains of Israel.(x)
In that place, Benjamin is a youth in ecstasy of mind. The leaders of Judah are their governors: the leaders of Zebulun, the leaders of Naphtali.
Command by your virtue, O God. Confirm in this place, O God, what you have wrought in us.(y)
Before your temple in Jerusalem, kings will offer gifts to you.
Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, a congregation of bulls with the cows of the people, for they seek to exclude those who have been tested like silver. Scatter the nations that are pleased by wars.(z)
Ambassadors will come out of Egypt. Ethiopia will offer in advance her hands to God.(aa)
Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth. Sing psalms to the Lord. Sing psalms to God.
He ascends, up to the heaven of the heavens, toward the east. Behold, he will utter his voice, the voice of virtue.(ab) (ac)
Give glory to God beyond Israel. His magnificence and his virtue is in the clouds.
God is wonderful in his saints. The God of Israel himself will give virtue and strength to his people. Blessed is God.


(a)67:5 Who ascends upon the west:Super occasum. St. Gregory understands it of Christ, who after his going down, like the sun, in the west, by his passion and death, ascended more glorious, and carried all before him. St. Jerome renders it, who ascends, or comes up, through the deserts.(Challoner)
(b)67:7 This verse refers to men who dwell together under one set of rules (as in a religious order), or under an agreed upon set of behaviors or morals. It indicates harmony, as opposed to conflict.(Conte)
(c)67:7 Of one manner:That is, agreeing in faith, unanimous in love, and following the same manner of discipline. It is verified in the servants of God, living together in his house, which is the church. 1 Tim. 3:15.(Challoner)
(d)67:7 Them that were bound, etc:The power and mercy of God appears in his bringing out of their captivity those that were strongly bound in their sins: and in restoring to his grace those whose behaviour had been most provoking; and who by their evil habits were not only dead, but buried in their sepulchres.(Challoner)
(e)67:9 This verse is not saying merely that it rained, but rather that the heaven rained down blessing upon the earth.(Conte)
(f)67:10 A free rain:the manna, which rained plentifully from heaven, in favour of God’s inheritance, that is, of his people Israel: which was weakened indeed under a variety of afflictions, but was made perfect by God; that is, was still supported by divine providence, and brought on to the promised land. It agrees particularly to the church of Christ his true inheritance, which is plentifully watered with the free rain of heavenly grace; and through many infirmities, that is, crosses and tribulations, is made perfect, and fitted for eternal glory.(Challoner)
(g)67:11 In it, etc:That is, in this church, which is thy fold and thy inheritance, shall thy animals, thy sheep, dwell: where you have plentifully provided for them.(Challoner)
(h)67:12 To them that preach good tidings:Evangelizantibus. That is, to the preachers of the gospel; who receiving the word from the Lord, shall with great power and efficacy preach throughout the world the glad tidings of a Saviour, and of eternal salvation through him.(Challoner)
(i)67:13 Or, ‘the beloved of the beloved.’(Conte)
(j)67:13 The king of powers:That is, the mighty King, the Lord of hosts, is of the beloved, of the beloved; that is, is on the side of Christ, his most beloved son: and his beautiful house, viz., the church, in which God dwells forever, shall by her spiritual conquests divide the spoils of many nations. The Hebrew (as it now stands pointed) is thus rendered, The kings of armies have fled, they have fled, and she that dwells at home (or the beauty of the house) shall divide the spoils.(Challoner)
(k)67:14 If you sleep among the midst of lots (intermedios cleros, etc.):Viz., in such dangers and persecutions, as if your enemies were casting lots for your goods and persons: or in the midst of the lots, (intermedios terminos, as St. Jerome renders it,) that is, upon the very bounds or borders of the dominions of your enemies: you shall be secure nevertheless under the divine protection; and shall be enabled to fly away, like a dove, with glittering wings and feathers shining like the palest and most precious gold; that is, with great increase of virtue, and glowing with the fervour of charity.(Challoner)
(l)67:15 Kings over her:That is, pastors and rulers over his church, viz., the apostles and their successors. Then by their ministry shall men be made whiter than the snow which lies on the top of the high mountain Selmon.(Challoner)
(m)67:16 The mountain of God:The church, which, Isa. 2:2, is called The mountain of the house of the Lord upon the top of mountains. It is here called a fat and a curdled mountain; that is to say, most fruitful, and enriched by the spiritual gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost.(Challoner)
(n)67:17 Why suspect, ye curdled mountains?:Why do you suppose or imagine there may be any other such curdled mountains? You are mistaken: the mountain thus favoured by God is but one; and this same he has chosen for his dwelling for ever.(Challoner)
(o)67:18 The chariot of God:Descending to give his law on mount Sina: as also of Jesus Christ his Son, ascending into heaven, to send from thence the Holy Ghost, to publish his new law, is attended with ten thousands, that is, with an innumerable multitude of joyful angels.(Challoner)
(p)67:19 Led captivity captive:Carrying away with you to heaven those who before had been the captives of Satan; and receiving from God the Father gifts to be distributed to men; even to those who were before unbelievers.(Challoner)
(q)67:21 This sentence is fairly eloquent in Latin, but a strict translation into English would be inelegant and barely comprehensible. Thus a looser translation is used for this verse than is generally used for other verses.(Conte)
(r)67:21 The issues from death:The Lord alone is master of the issues, by which we may escape from death.(Challoner)
(s)67:23 I will turn them from Basan, etc:I will cast out my enemies from their rich possessions, signified by Basan, a fruitful country; and I will drive them into the depth of the sea: and make such a slaughter of them, that the feet of my servants may be dyed in their blood, etc.(Challoner)
(t)67:24 Here is an example of a slight departure of the Challoner version from the Clementine Vulgate. The latter contains no reference to the color red, but the former does use the word ‘red.’(Conte)
(u)67:24 Note that ‘pes’ in Latin is singular, but the same type of expression in English uses the plural, so the translation uses the plural: ‘feet.’(Conte)
(v)67:25 Thy goings:Thy ways, thy proceedings, by which you formerly took possession of the promised land in favour of thy people; and shalt afterwards of the whole world, which you shall subdue to thy Son.(Challoner)
(w)67:26 Princes:The apostles, the first converters of nations; attended by numbers of perfect souls, singing the divine praises, and virgins consecrated to God.(Challoner)
(x)67:27 From the fountains of Israel:From whom both Christ and his apostles sprung. By Benjamin, the holy fathers on this place understand St. Paul, who was of that tribe, named here a youth, because he was the last called to the apostleship. By the princes of Juda, Zabulon, and Nephthali, we may understand the other apostles, who were of the tribe of Juda; or of the tribes of Zabulon, and Nephthali, where our Lord began to preach, Matt. 4:13, etc.(Challoner)
(y)67:29 Command thy strength:Give orders that thy strength may be always with us.(Challoner)
(z)67:31 Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds:or the wild beasts, which lie hid in the reeds. That is, the devils, who hide themselves in order to surprise their prey. Or by wild beasts, are here understood persecutors, who, for all their attempts against the Church, are but as weak reeds, which cannot prevail against them who are supported by the strength of the Almighty. The same are also called the congregation of bulls (from their rage against the Church) who assemble together all their kine, that is, the people their subjects, to exclude if they can, from Christ and his inheritance, his constant confessors, who are like silver tried by fire.(Challoner)
(aa)67:32 Ambassadors shall come, etc:It is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and by name of the Egyptians and Ethiopians.(Challoner)
(ab)67:34 To the east:From mount Olivet, which is on the east side of Jerusalem.(Challoner)
(ac)67:34 The voice of power:That is, he will make his voice to be a powerful voice: by calling from death to life, such as were dead in mortal sin: as at the last day he will by the power of his voice call all the dead from their graves.(Challoner)

Gottes Feinde sind zerstreut

Zum Ende, ein Loblied Davids.
Es erhebe sich Gott, dass seine Feinde zerstreut werden, und die ihn hassen, vor seinem Angesichte fliehen!
Wie der Rauch zergeht, so mögen sie zergehen, wie Wachs vor dem Feuer zerfließt. mögen die Sünder vor Gottes Angesichte vergehen.
Die Gerechten aber mögen sich freuen und jauchzen vor Gottes Angesicht und in Wonne frohlocken.
Lobsinget Gott, bringet seinem Namen ein Loblied, bereitet dem Bahn, der heraufzieht über den Sonnenuntergang! Herr ist sein Name! Frohlocket vor seinem Angesichte, vor seinem Angesichte mögen sie erzittern,
der ein Vater den Waisen und Richter den Witwen ist, Gott in seiner heiligen Stätte,
Gott, der Gleichgesinnte zusammenwohnen lässt in einem Hause; der die Gefesselten herausführt mit Macht, so wie die Widerspenstigen, die in den Gräbern ihre Stätte haben.
O Gott! als du auszogst vor deinem Volke her, als du in der Wüste einherzogst,
bebte die Erde und die Himmel trossen vor Gottes Angesichte, der Sinai vor dem Angesichte des Gottes Israels.
Gnadenvoll spendetest du, o Gott! Deinem Erbe Regen; es war schwach geworden, doch du stärktest es.
Deine Herde ließ sich darin nieder, du bereitetest es nach deiner Güte für den Armen, o Gott!
Der Herr gibt Siegeswort den Freudenverkünderinnen mit großer Kraft.
Er ist der Heere des Vielgeliebten König und der Zierde des Hauses gibt er Beute zu verteilen.
Wenn ihr in euern Anteilen ruht, gleicht ihr den Silberflügeln der Taube, deren Hinterrücken im blaßgelben Golde schimmert.
Als Gott im Himmel die Könige über das Land zerstreute, ward es auf dem Selmon schneeweiß.
Der Berg Gottes ist ein fruchtbarer Berg, ein üppiger Berg, ein fruchtbarer Berg.
Warum blickt ihr so scheel auf das üppige Gebirge? Es ist der Berg, auf dem es Gott wohlgefällt zu wohnen; ja, der Herr wohnt dort auf ewig.
Der Kriegswagen Gottes sind viele zehntausend, Tausende sind, die jubeln. Der Herr ist unter ihnen auf Sina im Heiligtume.
Du bist zur Höhe aufgestiegen, hast die Gefangenen fortgeführt, du hast Gaben unter den Menschen empfangen, sogar auch die nicht glauben, dass Gott, der Herr, hier wohnt.
Gepriesen sei der Herr Tag für Tag Gott, in dem all unser Heil ist, er wird unsern Weg glücklich machen!
Unser Gott ist ein Gott, der helfen kann; ja, Gott des Herrn ist es, dem Tode entrinnen zu lassen.
Wahrlich, Gott zerschmettert die Häupter seiner Feinde, den Scheitel derer, die in ihren Sünden dahinwandeln.
Der Herr sprach: Aus Basan werde ich sie herbringen, herbringen selbst aus Meerestiefen,
damit dein Fuß sich in Blut tauche, die Zunge deiner Hunde das Blut der Feinde lecke.
Man schaut dein Einherschreiten, o Gott! das Einherschreiten meines Gottes, meines Königs, der im Heiligtume thront.
Voran gehen die Fürsten, es schließen sich die Sänger an, inmitten von paukenschlagenden Jungfrauen.
In den Versammlungen preiset Gott, den Herrn ihr vom Quelle Israels!
Dort ist Benjamin, der Jüngste, in Geistesentzückung, die Fürsten von Juda, ihre Heerführer, die Fürsten von Zabulon, die Fürsten von Nephthali.
Entbiete, o Gott! deine Macht; bekräftige das, o Gott! was du unter uns gewirkt hast.
Von deinem Tempel aus zu Jerusalem werden die Könige dir Geschenke bringen!
Bedrohe die Tiere des Schilfs; es rottet sich zusammen die Schar der Stiere unter den Kühen der Völker, dass sie die verdrängen, die erprobt sind wie Silber. Zerstreue die Völker, welche die Kriege lieben!
Gesandte werden aus Ägypten kommen, Äthiopien wird seine Hände eilends zu Gott erheben.
Ihr Reiche der Erde, singet Gott! lobsinget dem Herrn, lobsinget Gott,
der über den höchsten Himmel hinauffährt dem Aufgange zu! Sehet, er lässt seine Stimme, eine gewaltige Stimme, erschallen.
Gebet Gott Ehre, dessen Herrlichkeit über Israel und dessen Macht in den Wolken ist!
Wunderbar ist Gott in seinem Heiligtume, der Gott Israels verleiht seinem Volke Stärke und Kraft. Gepriesen sei Gott.