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The Prophet Nahum

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

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- Kapitel 1 -

(Jonah 1:1–3)
The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
God is a rival, and the Lord is avenging. The Lord is avenging, and one who applies wrath. The Lord is avenging with his enemies, and he becomes angry with his adversaries.(a)
The Lord is patient and great in strength, and those who are not clean, he makes innocent. The Lord is in a tempest, and his way is a whirlwind, and the clouds are dust at his feet.(b)
He is the one who rebukes the sea, and who dries it up, and who leads all the rivers to the desert. Basan has been weakened, and also Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon has languished.(c)
The mountains have trembled before him, and the hills have become desolate, and the earth has quaked before his face, both the world and all that dwells in it.
Who can stand firm before the face of his indignation? And who can continue against the fury of his wrath? His indignation has broken out like a fire, and the rocks have been dissolved before him.
The Lord is good, and a comforter in the day of tribulation, and he knows those who hope in him.
And in the flood that passes over, he brings to consummation the end of his place. And darkness shall pursue his adversaries.(d)
What are you thinking up against the Lord? He will accomplish the consummation. There shall not rise up a double tribulation.
For just as thorns entwine one another, so also, while they are feasting and drinking together, they will be consumed like stubble that is completely dry.
Out of you will go forth one who thinks up evil against the Lord, dragging betrayals through his mind.(e)
Thus says the Lord: If they had been perfect, and many of them so, yet still they would be pruned, and it will cross through them. I have afflicted you, and I shall afflict you no more.(f) (g)
And now I will shatter his rod from your back, and I will break open your bonds.
And the Lord will place a commandment over you; nothing more from your name will be sown. From the house of your God, I will order destroyed the graven image and the molten image. I will prepare your grave, because you are not honorable.(h) (i)
Behold, over the mountains, the feet of the Evangelizer and the Announcer of peace. Judah, celebrate your festivals and keep your vows. For Belial will never again pass through you; he has completely passed away.(j) (k)


(a)1:2 Or, ‘God is jealous and an avenging Lord.’ The word ‘æmulator’ can refer to a rival or a competitor or to one who is jealous. This verse is contrasted with the next.(Conte)
(b)1:3 The Lord takes those who are not clean ‘mundans non,’ and he makes them into those who are innocent. The Lord dwells in a tempest and his way is like a whirlwind. This verse is often mistranslated.(Conte)
(c)1:4 He not only dries out the sea, he also waters the desert.(Conte)
(d)1:8 Of the place thereof:Viz., of Ninive.(Challoner)
(e)1:11 Shall come forth one, etc:Some understand this of Sennacherib. But as his attempt against the people seems to have been prior to the prophecy of Nahum, we may better understand it of Holofernes.(Challoner)
(f)1:12 The word ‘pertransibit’ could also be rendered as ‘he will pass through,’ referring to the individual in verse 1:11 (probably referring to the Antichrist). But the expression ‘Thus says the Lord’ seems to start a new topic, so the translation is ‘it will pass over’ or ‘it will cross through.’ In other words, the affliction sent by God is unavoidable, but it will end.(Conte)
(g)1:12 Though they were perfect, etc:That is, however strong or numerous their forces may be, they shall be cut off; and their prince or leader shall pass away and disappear.(Challoner)
(h)1:14 Here is an example of the use of ‘interficiam,’ which usually refers to the execution of a criminal by one with the authority to put someone to death, instead to refer to one who is in authority who orders the destruction of inanimate objects, as if these were being put to death like criminals. In this case, God is executing these graven images and molten images, ordering their destruction.(Conte)
(i)1:14 Will give a commandment:That is, a decree, concerning you, O king of Ninive, thy seed shall fail, etc.(Challoner)
(j)1:15 The evangelizer is Christ and the announcer of peace is the Virgin Mary. This passage indicates that both Christ and Mary will return at the end of the Antichrist’s reign. The name “Belial” refers to the Antichrist.(Conte)
(k)1:15 Belial:The wicked one, viz., the Assyrian.(Challoner)
(Jona 1,1-3)
Last über Ninive: Buch des Gesichtes Nahums, des Elkesiten.

Gottes Zorn über seine Feinde

Ein eifernder Gott und Rächer ist der Herr, ein Rächer ist der Herr und voller Grimm, ein Rächer ist der Herr an seinen Feinden und zürnt seinen Widersachern.
Der Herr ist langmütig und groß an Macht, aber er lässt den Schuldigen nicht rein ausgehen und straflos. Im Sturm und Wetter wandelt der Herr einher und Gewölk ist der Staub unter seinen Füßen.
Er bedräut das Meer und legt es trocken und last die Ströme allzumal bis zum Grunde austrocknen. Basan und Karmel verschmachten und die Blüte des Libanon verwelkt.
Die Berge erbeben vor ihm und die Hügel werden wüste, die Erde erzittert vor seinem Antlitze, der Weltkreis und alle seine Bewohner.
Wer wird vor seinem Unwillen standhalten? Und wer widerstehen vor der Glut seines Zornes? Sein Grimm ergießt sich wie Feuer und die Felsen spalten sich vor ihm.
Gütig ist der Herr und kräftigt am Tage der Drangsal, er kennt, die auf ihn vertrauen.
Doch mit überströmender Flut macht er ihrer Stätte ein Ende und Finsternis verfolgt seine Feinde.
Was sinnt ihr wider den Herrn? Er wird ein Ende schaffen, nicht zum zweitenmal wir Drangsal hereinbrechen.
Denn wie Dornen sich ineinander verschlingen, so ist das Gelage der Zechgenossen; sie werden verzehrt wie Stoppeln, die völlig verdorrt sind.
Aus dir ging hervor, der Böses sinnt wider den Herrn, der sein Herz auf Frevel richtet.
So spricht der Herr: Mögen sie auch voll der Kraft und ihrer noch so viele sein, so sollen sie doch hinweggemäht werden und vergehen; und habe ich dich gezüchtigt, so will ich dich nicht mehr züchtigen!
Denn jetzt will ich seine Rute von deinem Rücken nehmen und zerbrechen und deine Fesseln werde ich zerreißen.
Wider dich aber wird des Herrn Machtspruch ergehen, nicht ferner mehr wird Zeugung denen Namen fortpflanzen; aus deines Gottes Hause will ich Schnitz- und Gußbilder austilgen, will dir ein Grab bereiten, den du bist der Ehre bar.
Siehe auf den Bergen die Füße des Freudenboten, des Friedensverkünders; feiere, Juda! Deine Feste und bringe deine Gelübde dar; denn nicht mehr soll Belial durch dich hinziehen, gänzlich ist er vernichtet.