Das Wort Bin Ich

The Prophet Hosea

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 6 -

In their tribulation, they will arise early to me. Come, let us return to the Lord.
For he has seized us, and he will heal us. He will strike, and he will cure us.
He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, and we will live in his sight. We will understand, and we will continue on, so that we may know the Lord. His landing place has been prepared like the first light of morning, and he will come to us like the early and the late rains of the land.(a)
What am I to do with you, Ephraim? What am I to do with you, Judah? Your mercy is like the morning mist, and like the dew passing away in the morning.
Because of this, I have cut them with the prophets, I have slain them with the words of my mouth; and your opinions will depart like the light.
For I desired mercy and not sacrifice, and knowledge of God more than holocausts.
But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant; in this, they have been dishonest with me.(b)
Gilead is a city that manufactures idols; it has been tripped up by family relations.(c) (d)
And, like those who rob with skillful words, they, by conspiring with the priests, bring a death sentence to travelers on a pilgrimage from Shechem; for they have been performing evil deeds.(e) (f)
I have seen horrible things in the house of Israel; the fornications of Ephraim are there. Israel has been contaminated.
But you, Judah, set a harvest for yourself, while I reverse the captivity of my people.


(a)6:3 The word ‘egressus’ usually means ‘departure’ or ‘going forth,’ but in this case, the context is that of the arrival of the Lord. Therefore, the less common meaning of ‘landing place’ is used, i.e. a point of arrival/departure.(Conte)
(b)6:7 Or, ‘in this, they have betrayed me.’ The word ‘ibi’ is usually translated as ‘there,’ but the context calls for a translation that is more natural to the English language, such as ‘in this.’(Conte)
(c)6:8 Or, ‘having been tripped up by blood.’ The meaning here is that the city fell into the error of manufacturing idols because of blood-relations, i.e. family relations. Individuals, in that time period, tended to take up whatever was the family business; the same was also true of some towns. If a town had a specialized product or service, the people of the town tended to go into that line of work (e.g. Tyrian purple, the city of Tyre specialized in making dyes).(Conte)
(d)6:8 Supplanted with blood:that is, undermined and brought to ruin, for shedding of blood: and, as it is signified in the following verse, for conspiring with the priests (of Bethel) like robbers, to murder in the way such as passed out of Sichem to go towards the temple of Jerusalem. Or else “upplanted with blood” signifies flowing in such manner with blood, as to suffer none to walk there without imbruing the soles of their feet in blood.(Challoner)
(e)6:9 Literally, ‘quasi fauces virorum latronum’ means ‘like the jaws of men robbers.’ The word ‘virorum’ means ‘men,’ but it has an additional connotation of a man who is virtuous or strong. In the context of robbers, the meaning is ‘strong robbers.’ But the strength of a robber’s jaw does not help him rob, unless his strength is in the skillful use of words. So, less literally, the phase says, ‘like the jaws of skillful robbers.’ But again, the passage is not literally taking about the jaws (or throats) of robbers. Criminals do not rob by using their jaws, unless it is the type of robber who tricks people with words. The comparison here is with those who are con-artists, who rob people by deceiving them with words.(Conte)
(f)6:9 Those called ‘particeps sacerdotum’ are not the priests themselves, but they are associates of the priests. These pastoral associates are not actually murdering people in the streets. Such a long complex sentence would not be needed to condemn such a public crime. Also, the word ‘interficientium’ typically refers to killing under authority, such as an execution by a king, or under the law, or by God. So these persons, working with the priests, influence travelers on a journey so that they deserve a death sentence from God. In other words, they lead people astray with their words. The context is religious, and so the journey is translated as a pilgrimage.(Conte)

Ein Aufruf zur Buße

Wenn sie in Trübsal sind, werden sie sich frühzeitig zu mir aufmachen: Kommet, lasset uns zu dem Herrn zurückkehren;
denn er hat uns erfasst, so wird er uns auch heilen; er hat geschlagen, so wird er uns auch pflegen.
Er wird uns nach zwei Tagen neu beleben und am dritten Tage uns auferwecken, damit wir vor seinem Angesichte leben. Lasset uns Einsicht haben und eifrig nach der Erkenntnis des Herrn streben; wie die Morgenröte ist sein Ausgang sicher und wie der Frühregen wird er zu uns kommen, wie der Spätregen auf das Land fällt.

Unbußfertigkeit von Israel und Juda

Was soll ich dir tun, Ephraim? Was soll ich dir tun, Juda? Eure Frömmigkeit ist wie Morgengewölk und wie der Tau, der früh dahinschwindet.
Darum schlage ich durch die Propheten, töte sie durch die Worte meines Mundes und deine Strafgerichte werden dem Lichte gleich hervorbrechen.
Denn an Erbarmen habe ich Wohlgefallen und nicht an Schlachtopfern, an Erkenntnis Gottes mehr denn an Brandopfern.
Sie aber haben wie Adam den Bund übertreten, sind mir dort treulos geworden.
Galaad ist eine Stadt von Götzenbildnern, mit Blut besudelt.
Gleich Räuberrachen ist die Priesterbande, welche die auf dem Wege von Sichem Kommenden worden; ja, sie verüben Schandtat.
Im Hause Israel sah die Greuel, dort trieb Ephraim Buhlereien, befleckte sich Israel.
Aber auch du, Juda! Halte dich zur Ernte bereit, wenn ich die Gefangenschaft meines Volkes wenden will.