Das Wort Bin Ich

The Prophet Hosea

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 12 -

Ephraim feeds on wind and follows burning heat; all day long he multiplies lies and desolation. And he has entered into a pact with the Assyrians, and he has carried oil into Egypt.
Therefore, the judgment of the Lord is with Judah and a visitation is upon Jacob. He will repay him according to his ways and according to his inventions.
In the womb, he supplanted his brother; for in his good fortune, he had been guided by an angel.(a)
And he prevailed over an angel, for he had been strengthened. He wept and petitioned him. He found him in Bethel, and there he has spoken to us.
And the Lord God of hosts, the Lord is his memorial.
And so, you should convert to your God. Keep mercy and judgment, and have hope in your God always.
Canaan, in his hand is a deceitful balance, he has chosen false accusations.
And Ephraim has said, “Nevertheless, I have become rich; I have found an idol for myself. All of my labors will not reveal to me the iniquity that I have committed.”
And I, the Lord your God from the land of Egypt, nevertheless will cause you to dwell in tabernacles, just as during the days of the feast.(b)
And I have spoken through the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and I have used parables through the hands of the prophets.
If Gilead is an idol, then they have been sacrificing cattle in Gilgal to no purpose. For even their altars are like clutter on the soil of the field.(c) (d)
Jacob fled into the region of Syria, and Israel served like a wife, and was served by a wife.(e)
Yet by a prophet the Lord led Israel out of Egypt, and he was served by a prophet.
Ephraim has provoked me to wrath with his bitterness, and his blood will overcome him, and his Lord will requite him for his shamefulness.


(a)12:3 The two parts of this verse are closely related. The second part refers to his ‘good fortune’ (not ‘strength’ in this context) of having been able to supplant his brother. This act of God’s Providence was guided by an angel.(Conte)
(b)12:9 The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles is referred to here. God will make them dwell in makeshift tents and huts, as they do during the days of the Feast of Tabernacles.(Conte)
(c)12:11 The word ‘acervi’ can mean have a positive connotations, as in ‘stockpiles’ or ‘crops’ of grain. It can also have a negative connotation, as in ‘heaps’ of refuse or ‘clutter,’ as in this case.(Conte)
(d)12:11 If Galaad be an idol, etc:That is, if Galaad with all its idols and sacrifices be like a mere idol itself, being brought to nothing by Theglathphalasar: how vain is it to expect, that the idols worshipped in Galgal shall be of any service to the tribes that remain.(Challoner)
(e)12:12 The use of the words ‘servivit’ and ‘servavit’ is a play on words. To keep a similar play on words and maintain the same range of meaning, the translation is ‘served’ and ‘was served by.’ A more literal translation would make the latter verb something like: ‘kept’ or ‘watched over.’(Conte)
Ephraim weidet Sturmwind und jagt dem Glutwinde nach, den ganzen Tag häuft es Lüge und Verheerung, mit den Assyriern schließt es ein Bündnis und nach Ägypten führt es Öl.
Darum geht der Herr ins Gericht mit Juda, sucht Jakob heim, nach seinem Wandel und nach seinem Tun wird er ihm vergelten.
Im Mutterleibe überlistete Jakob seinen Bruder und in seiner Stärke rang er mit dem Engel.
Ja, er obsiegte über den Engel und war überlegen, er weinte und flehte zu ihm, in Bethel fand er ihn und daselbst sprach er mit uns.
Der Herr, der Gott der Heerscharen, der Herr ist sein Ruhmesname.
So wende dich auch zu deinem Gott, bewahre Barmherzigkeit und Recht und hoffe auf deinen Gott allezeit!
Kanaan, in seiner Hand ist betrügerische Waage, er liebt Bedrückung.
Und Ephraim sprach: Bin ich doch reich geworden, habe einen Götzen für mich gefunden, in allem, was ich mir erworben, kann man mir kein Unrecht nachweisen, das ich begangen.
Ich aber bin der Herr, dein Gott, vom Lande Ägypten her; ich will dich auch ferner in Hütten wohnen lassen, wie zur Festzeit.
Ich habe zu den Propheten gesprochen, ich habe ihnen zahlreiche Gesichte gegeben und habe durch die Propheten in Gleichnissen geredet.
War zu Galaad ein Götze, so opferten jene in Galgal umsonst dem Kalbe; denn auch ihre Altäre sind gleich Steinhaufen an den Ackerfurchen.
Geflohen ist Jakob in Syriens Land und Israel diente um ein Weib, um ein Weib hütete er.
Doch durch einen Propheten hat der Herr Israel aus Ägypten geführt und durch einen Propheten ward es behütet.
Ephraim hat mich zum Zorne gereizt durch seine bitteren Kränkungen; darum wird seine Blutschuld über ihn kommen und seine Schande wird ihm sein Herr vergelten.