Das Wort Bin Ich

The Prophet Hosea

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 10 -

Israel is a leafy vine, its fruit has been suitable to him. According to the multitude of his fruit, he has multiplied altars; according to the fertility of his land, he has abounded with graven images.(a)
His heart has been divided, so now they will cross the divide. He will break apart their images; he will plunder their sanctuaries.(b)
For now they will say, “We have no king. For we do not fear the Lord. And what would a king do for us?”
You speak words about a useless vision, and you will strike a deal. And judgment will spring up like bitterness in the furrows of the field.
The inhabitants of Samaria have worshipped the calf of Bethaven. For the keepers of its temple, who had exulted over it in its glory, and its people, have mourned over it because it migrated from there.(c)
If, indeed, it also has been offered to Assur, as a gift for the Avenging king, confusion will seize Ephraim, and Israel will be confounded by his own will.(d)
Samaria has required her king to pass by, like foam on the face of the water.
And the heights of the idol, the sin of Israel, will be utterly destroyed. The burr and the thistle will rise up over their altars. And they will say to the mountains, ‘Cover us,’ and to the hills, ‘Fall on us.’(e)
From the days of Gibeah, Israel has sinned; in this, they remained firm. The battle in Gibeah against the sons of iniquity will not take hold of them.(f) (g)
According to my desire, I will correct them. And the peoples will be gathered together over them, while they are chastised for their two iniquities.(h)
Ephraim is a heifer that has been taught to love treading out the grain, but I passed over the beauty of her neck. I will rise over Ephraim. Judah will plough; Jacob will break up the soil for himself.
Sow for yourselves in justice, and harvest in the mouth of mercy; renew your fallow land. But the time when you will seek the Lord is the time when he will arrive who will teach you justice.
You have ploughed impiety; you have harvested iniquity; you have eaten the fruit of lies. For you had confidence in your ways, in the multitude of your good fortunes.(i)
A tumult will arise among your people. And all your fortifications will be laid waste, just as Salman was destroyed by the house of him that judged Baal on the day of the battle, the mother having been crushed against her sons.(j)
So has Bethel done to you, before the face of your malicious wickedness.


(a)10:1 Or, ‘he has gushed forth idols.’ The word ‘simulachris’ means images, but is often used to refer to idolatrous images or statues.(Conte)
(b)10:2 There is a play on words in the Latin that is difficult to express in English. ‘His heart has been divided, so now they will...’ and the next word sometimes refers to death, but literally means ‘to go between’ or ‘to cross over.’ Israel is referred to in the third person singular in this passage, but ‘they will cross the divide’ is plural. In other words, because his heart has been divided, now they (a group of enemies) will ‘cross the divide,’ i.e. they will cross borders and bring destruction and death. Because the word ‘interibunt’ often refers to death, the crossing of the borders has an ominous implication.(Conte)
(c)10:5 The kine of Bethaven:The golden calves of Jeroboam.(Challoner)
(d)10:6 Itself also is carried, etc:One of the golden calves was given by king Manahem, to Phul, king of the Assyrians, to engage him to stand by him.(Challoner)
(e)10:8 The word ‘cadite’ also means to die, so there is an implication that the people want the hills to kill them, not to protect them.(Conte)
(f)10:9 The word ‘steterunt’ is often misunderstood to mean ‘to stand,’ when it often means ‘to stand firm’ or ‘to remain firm.’ Israel has remained firm ‘there’ or ‘in that matter’ or ‘in this.’(Conte)
(g)10:9 Also, they will not join in the battle against evil-doers. This battle does not interest them because they also are sons of iniquity.(Conte)
(h)10:10 Their two iniquities:Their two calves.(Challoner)
(i)10:13 Or, ‘...in the multitude of your strengths.’(Conte)
(j)10:14 As Salmana, king of the Midianites, was destroyed by the house,:that is, by the followers of him that judged Baal; that is, of Gideon, who threw down the altar of Baal; and was therefore called Jerubaal. See Judges 6 and 8.(Challoner)

Israels Sünde und Gefangenschaft

Ein üppiger Weinstock war Israel und seine Frucht war ihm gleich, aber so zahlreich seine Früchte waren, so viele Altäre baute es, so fruchtbar sein Land war, so zahlreich machte es seine Götzen.
Geteilt ist ihr Herz, nunmehr werden sie zugrunde gehen; Er wird ihre Götzen zerbrechen, ihre Altäre verheeren.
Dann werden sie sagen: Wir haben keinen König, denn den Herrn fürchteten wir nicht und ein König, was sollte er uns?
Redet nur Worte nichtiger Traumgesichte, schließt Bündnisse ab; wie Bitterkraut in den Ackerfurchen wird das Gericht ausschließen.
Die Kühe Bethavens verehren die Einwohner Samarias; ja, sein Volk und seine Priester, die frohlockten, als sie noch herrlich war, werden trauern, dass die Herrlichkeit es verlassen.
Wohl wird auch das Kalb nach Assur gebracht als Geschenk für den König Rächer, Scham wird Ephraim bedecken und Israel wird zuschanden ob seines Ratschlages.
Samaria hat bewirkt, dass sein König dahinschwand, wie der Schaum auf der Wasserfläche.
Zerstört werden die Götzenhöhen, Israels Sünde; Kletten und Disteln werden auf ihren Altären aufwuchern und sie werden zu den Bergen sprechen: Bedecket uns! Und zu den Hügeln: Fallet auf uns!
Seit den Tagen Gabaas hat Israel gesündigt, darin sind sie verblieben; nicht wird sie ein Kampf treffen, wie der in Gabaa gegen die Kinder des Frevels.
Nach meiner Lust will ich sie züchtigen, die Völker sollen sich wider sie versammeln, wenn sie ihrer doppelten Verschuldung halber Strafe erdulden.
Ephraim ist eine junge Kuh, gewöhnt gern zu dreschen; doch ich will hinfahren über die Schönheit seines Halses, mich setzen auf Ephraim, ackern soll Juda, eggen soll sich Jakob.
Säet euch in Gerechtigkeit und erntet nach dem Maße des Erbarmens, brechet euch ein neues Feld um; denn es ist Zeit, den Herrn zu suchen, der, wenn er kommt, euch Gerechtigkeit lehren wird.
Ihr habt Gottlosigkeit gepflügt, Ungerechtigkeit geerntet, die Frucht der Lüge genossen; denn du setztest dein Vertrauen auf deinen Wandel, auf die Menge deiner Helden.
Kriegsgetümmel wird sich wider dein Volk erheben und alle deine Festen werden zerstört, wie Salmana zerstört ward vom Hause dessen, der den Baal am Tage der Schlacht gerichtet, als die Mutter samt den Kindern zerschmettert ward.
Dies wird er euch, Bethel, tun, um eures großen Frevels willen.