The Word Am I

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 8 -

Other lessons of wisdom and virtue.

You should not quarrel with a powerful man, lest perhaps you may fall into his hands.
You should not contend with a wealthy man, lest perhaps he may bring an action against you.
For gold and silver have destroyed many, and have reached and corrupted even the hearts of kings.
You should not quarrel with a man who is full of words, for you should not cast wood upon his fire.
You should not confide in an ignorant man, lest he speak evil about your family.
You should not despise a man who turns himself away from sin, nor reproach him with it. Remember that we are all subject to correction.
You should not spurn a man in his old age. For we are all subject to growing old.
Do not be willing to rejoice at the death of your enemy, knowing that we all die, and that we do not want others to rejoice over us.
You should not despise the discourse of those who are old and wise; instead, ponder their proverbs.
For from them, you will learn wisdom and intelligent doctrine, so as to serve great men without blame.
Do not allow the discourse of your elders to pass you by. For they have learned from their fathers.
And from them, you will learn understanding, and you will learn what response to give in a time of necessity.
You should not kindle the coals of sinners by arguing with them. For you might be scorched by the flame from the fire of their sins.
You should not stand against the face of a contemptuous person, otherwise he may sit down as if waiting in ambush against your words.
You should not lend to a man who is stronger than you. But if you do lend, consider it lost.
You should not promise beyond your ability. But if you do promise, consider how to fulfill it.
You should not judge against a judge. For he judges according to what is just.
You should not go forth on the way with an audacious man, lest perhaps he may burden you with his evils. For he goes forth according to his own will, and you will perish with him in his folly.
You should not start a conflict with an angry man, and you should not go into the desert with an audacious man. For shedding blood is nothing to him, and in a place where there is no help for you, he will overthrow you.
You should not hold counsel with the foolish. For they are not able to love anything except what pleases them.
You should not take counsel in the sight of an outsider. For you do not know what he will do next.
You should not reveal your heart to every man, lest perhaps he may offer a false kindness to you, and then speak reproachfully about you.

Other lessons of wisdom and virtue.

Don’t contend with a mighty man, lest perhaps you fall into his hands.
Don’t strive with a rich man, lest perhaps he overpower you; for gold has destroyed many, and turned away the hearts of kings.
Don’t argue with a loudmouthed man. Don’t heap wood upon his fire.
Don’t make fun of a rude man, lest your ancestors be dishonored.
Don’t reproach a man when he turns from sin. Remember that we are all worthy of punishment.
Don’t dishonor a man in his old age, for some of us are also growing old.
Don’t rejoice over anyone’s death. Remember that we all die.
Don’t neglect the discourse of the wise. Be conversant with their proverbs; for from them you will learn discipline and how to serve great men.
Don’t miss the discourse of the aged, for they also learned from their parents, because from them you will learn understanding, and to give an answer in time of need.
Don’t kindle the coals of a sinner, lest you be burned with the flame of his fire.
Don’t rise up from the presence of an insolent man, lest he lie in wait as an ambush for your mouth.
Don’t lend to a man who is stronger than you; and if you lend, count it as a loss.
Don’t be surety beyond your means. If you give surety, think as one who will have to pay.
Don’t go to law with a judge; for according to his honor they will give judgment for him.
Don’t travel with a reckless man, lest he be burdensome to you; for he will do as he pleases, and you will perish with his folly.
Don’t fight with a wrathful man. Don’t travel with him through the desert, for blood is as nothing in his sight. Where there is no help, he will overthrow you.
Don’t consult with a fool, for he will not be able to keep a secret.
Do no secret thing before a stranger, for you don’t know what it will cause.
Don’t open your heart to every man. Don’t let him return you a favor.